Healthy eating is good protection against heart attacks and strokes.


A healthy diet helps people with cardiovascular diseases protect themselves from repeated heart attacks and strokes. This was reported in a report by Canadian experts from McMaster University in Ontario, citing the results of their scientific work, which was attended by 31,546 people. All were interviewed for 5 years and had heart problems or damage to vital organs.

The researchers' task was to find out how often and in what quantity these people drank milk, ate fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, grain and other similar products in the previous year, as well as what changes their health has undergone recently. In addition, participants also answered questions regarding their lifestyle and, in particular, smoking, alcohol and sports.

The results of the survey were analyzed by scientists according to a special system, where, based on data from volunteers, each of them was assigned an individual total score - on it, in turn, it was possible to establish the ratio of healthy and potentially dangerous food for a person that he consumed last year . It is worth noting that until the study was completed, experts recorded more than 5 thousand cases when strokes or heart attacks occurred among its participants.

The final analysis of all the indications allowed the experts to determine that people whose diet consisted exclusively of healthy food, over the past few years have experienced:
• a 35% reduction in the risk of death due to cardiovascular disease;
• a 28% reduction in the risk of congestive heart failure;
• reduction of the risk of strokes by 19%;
• reduced risk of new heart attacks by 14%;

Thus, scientists once again managed to prove the significant benefits of healthy food, and the harmfulness of malnutrition for people with heart problems.

Commenting on the results of this study, the experts noted: “Doctors should advise patients with cardiovascular diseases that they should eat fruits, vegetables, fish and cereals as often as possible. This can significantly reduce their susceptibility to attacks and strokes, and save the lives of millions of people around the world.” .


Watch the video: Lean & Green - The Heart Healthy Diet (June 2024).