Peeling and biorevitalization - the correct sequence of procedures


As a person reaches a certain age (“critical point” —30 ​​years and older), the number of fibrillar proteins responsible for skin turgor, known as collagen and elastin, naturally decreases. This is reflected in a decrease in skin elasticity, loss of freshness and a healthy natural shade. The facial features also change: the oval gutters, the cheekbones and the nose stand out more sharply. Fortunately, in the arsenal of modern cosmetology there are innovative technologies that can slow down the irreversible aging process.

The essence of peeling and biorevitalization

Before revealing the essence of both procedures, it is necessary to understand what goals each of them pursues. The end result, as a rule, is the desire to achieve improvement in the condition and a noticeable rejuvenation of the skin of the face. Modern cosmetology has several techniques used to solve such problems.

One of these methods includes biorevitalization. The complex term hides all known injections of hyaluronic acid (hyaluronate). The essence of the method consists in the saturation of the deep layers of the dermis and epidermis with non-sulfated glycosaminoglycan, which is part of the connective, epithelial and nervous tissues. Transportation of hyaluronate components together with vitamin complexes is carried out by injection or laser implantation of a special gel.

TO useful properties of hyaluronic acid include the following:

  • Stimulation of regenerative processes in the dermis and epidermis;
  • Activation of the natural production of elastin and collagen;
  • Decreased sebaceous gland activity;
  • Smoothing fine wrinkles;
  • Bringing back to normal metabolic processes in skin tissue.

So that the effect of the biorevitalization procedure is longer, a course of several injections of the drug is usually prescribed. The duration of the course is determined by the cosmetologist on the basis of the patient's skin condition, its age and the characteristics of the organism.

Step by step biorevitalization looks like this:

  1. The beautician conducts a thorough cleaning of the client’s face using one of the available methods;
  2. Anesthetic cream is applied on the skin for 20-30 minutes. This will help to reduce the painful sensations during drug administration to the skin tissue;
  3. The drug is injected under the skin with a thin needle or using low-intensity laser radiation. The first technique is considered more effective, but it is also more painful.

Often, patients after injection biorevitalization complain of hematomas and small swelling on the face (papules). But this is quite a common phenomenon, which discharges itself over the next 1 to 2 days.

In contrast to biorevitalization, during deep cleansing of the skin of the face, which is peeling, transportation of substances into the tissues of the epidermis and the dermis does not occur. Instead, the cosmetologist removes dead epithelial cells by chemical or mechanical means. In other words, peeling is a forced “launching” of natural metabolic processes in the skin due to the exposure of young and healthy cells. Due to this, cellular respiration is stimulated, and nutrients get into skin tissues faster and more actively.

For deep skin cleansing, special acid preparations of high concentration are used, the use of which should only be carried out by a specialist. Perform the procedure at home is not recommended, as this is fraught with damage to the epithelium and the appearance of burns.

Another popular option is retinoic or yellow peeling. It implies the effect on the skin of retinoids - artificial analogs of vitamin A. This facial cleansing technology is more gentle: when it is concentrated retinoic acid (tretinoin 5% or 10%) is applied to the skin for a quarter of an hour, resulting in an occlusal layer on it and During this process, uniform production of tretinoin is stimulated. Typically, the course of "yellow" peeling includes at least four procedures, repeated with an interval of 2 to 4 weeks.

Is it possible to combine?

Biorevitalization has its own characteristics, as well as the deep skin cleansing procedure, and the indications for them are different. Thus, facial peels are performed even for adolescents under the age of 18, because it is during puberty that they encounter dermatological problems such as rosacea, acne, acne and increased oily skin. But hyaluronic acid injections are not indicated for persons under 30 - 35 years oldif there are no special indications for their conduct.

Most often, the question of whether to combine biorevitalization and peeling, beauticians give Negative answer. Exposure of the skin during both procedures is quite traumatic and requires a certain time for natural regeneration. Therefore, if in any salon you are offered to combine them within a single visit, we advise you to refuse and look for another place to undergo cosmetic treatment.

Sequence of procedures

The main question asked by clients who wish to undergo the procedure of treatment and rejuvenation of the skin of the face, at the reception at the beautician, is to choose a sequence of actions.

How to do better: go through peeling and then agree to injections of hyaluronic acid or change the order of procedures. There is no unequivocal answer to this question, since the specialist will make a decision on an individual basis, based on the characteristics of your body and skin condition, as well as other factors (age, the presence of certain diseases, taking certain medications, etc.).

Both procedures are radically different in technology, the type of exposure to the skin and the materials used during the process. This is also necessarily taken into account when choosing the sequence and tactics of actions.

Why is this stage critical? It all depends on which skin cleansing technology is chosen: retinoic (“yellow”) or chemical peels. The second option is more traumatic., and after its holding, the skin tissue of the face remains edematous for a long time. If hyaluronic injections are made within the allowed allowable time after chemical peeling, the regeneration process will be accelerated, due to which the edema will drop a little faster.

The effect is explained by the peculiarities of exposure to hyaluronic acid, which adsorbs excess fluid remaining in the cells of the epidermis after dry cleaning. However, biorevitalization cannot be carried out immediately: a certain time interval must be maintained.

Retinoic peeling It has a sparing effect on the skin, so biorevitalization after it is carried out in a shorter time. Already on the third day, the balance of vitamin A in the treated skin is restored enough to create a reliable effect from aggressive external factors.

Peeling before biorevitalization

If it is recommended that you clean the skin of the face before the injection of hyaluronate, note that one of the achieved effects will be to reduce the period of regeneration of the epidermis after the use of aggressive acids.

The selected procedure scheme will look as follows:

  1. To begin with, the beautician will conduct approximately two deep cleansing with glycol at an interval of 7 to 10 days. Thanks to this procedure, the skin of the face will be peeled off from the dead cells, and active synthesis of collagen will begin in its deep layers;
  2. Then intermediate injections of hyaluronate are given after 4–5 days;
  3. After another 5-6 days, the patient undergoes again two peeling procedures with an interval of a week;
  4. Having carried out all the indicated steps, he again undergoes final biorevitalization 5 days after the last peeling.

With this scheme, a complex effect is achieved, namely: the recovery period of the skin is shortened, the patient practically does not refuse the usual rhythm of life, and the result of the procedure is noticeable with the naked eye after 15 days.

Biorevitalization before peeling

The selected method of facial rejuvenation, in which peeling after biorevitalization is carried out in stages, also has its own characteristics. They include a particular sequence, number and sequence of manipulations:

  1. Hyaluronic acid injections are carried out in three doses, with the interval of 15 days between each procedure;
  2. After this stage, the patient is subjected to retinoic peeling. Recovery after cleansing and how effectively the process of restoring the skin of the face goes is largely dependent on the faithful implementation of the medical recommendations (discussed below), which are mandatory during the rehabilitation period.

It is believed that biorevitalization carried out before peeling will facilitate the process of regeneration of the skin and reduce the risk of side effects and complications.

Intervals and restrictions

Many patients try to find out on their own, but any responsible cosmetologist is obliged to tell you before the procedure how many days after peeling you can do biorevitalization.

Of course, this time interval should not be very large, otherwise the effect after deep cleansing of the skin will be minimized. Ideal option - wait about 10 - 15 days. If biorevitalization is done earlier, this will give an undesirable result, since the skin tissue at this moment is still quite vulnerable. If an atraumatic skin cleansing technology was chosen (for example, retinoic peeling), the waiting time can be reduced to a week or even five days.

With the passage of chemical peeling interval between procedures should be from a week to 15 days. It is better to wait for the maximum recommended time, since the regeneration of the epidermis after dry cleaning takes a long time. If you receive an injection of hyaluronate at an earlier date, it may develop erythema.

There are certain restrictionsapplied to a patient who has undergone a complex of both procedures. This list includes specific recommendations, ignoring which may reduce the effect of injections and deep cleansing of the skin:

  • Exposed to traumatic skin prone to hyperpigmentation, so before going out on the face should be applied protective equipment with a high SPF-factor. It is necessary to comply with this measure within a month after the procedure, but for the health of the skin it is better to protect it from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays on a permanent basis. You should refrain from visiting the solarium for at least 15 days;
  • During the period until the skin is restored after visiting a cosmetologist, do not use hard peels and scrubs, face masks and creams. In order not to provoke the development of a spontaneous allergic reaction, within a month, do not try new beauty products and cosmetics;
  • Keep antihistamines in your first aid kit at all times. This is a necessary measure for everyone, not just those who are prone to allergies. If, during the recovery period, rashes, erythema and puffiness appear on the face of the skin due to an allergic reaction, this may adversely affect its condition and nullify the effect of peeling and biorevitalization;
  • During the week after the procedure, do not exert yourself to physical exertion (especially weight). Increased physical activity contributes to a rush of blood to the skin of the face, and this is undesirable;
  • Within 2 to 4 weeks, any additional cosmetic and / or plastic corrective interventions on the skin of the face are prohibited;
  • In the first weeks after the procedure, refuse to visit the bath and sauna;
  • For the period of recovery, refuse to take vitamins of group B.

Which sequence is better to choose?

The optimal alternation of facial cleansing and biorevitalization procedures is one that suits you personally. Each patient has its own characteristics of the body, there are no general recommendations. It is believed that the correct sequence of procedures should be determined after at least two consultations with an experienced cosmetologist. The specialist will select not only the equipment for your particular case, but also establish the necessary time between each stage.

That is why we should not wait for a definite answer to the question of what is better - peeling or biorevitalization. Both procedures have different effects on the skin of the face, so it’s not right to look for their advantages and disadvantages when comparing one with the other.
