In Russia, only every fourth family leads a healthy lifestyle


“A healthy mind is in a healthy body,” says famous wisdom. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to argue with her, but few make her the slogan of her whole life. Almost every person on earth realizes how many benefits they get by leading an active and healthy lifestyle, because we all dream of going a long and happy life. People are born completely healthy. So how to maintain and not lose this health? And why are the realities such that the life of an ordinary person consists of bad habits, poor nutrition, irritability and other things? How do people from Russia relate to a healthy lifestyle, the Women's Opinion portal found out.

51.3% of women surveyed strive to lead a healthy lifestyle: do not smoke, do not drink, go in for sports and try to eat healthy food. However, these respondents understand that most people are not so fanatical about their health and do not pretend that their family members follow their example. As a result, only one person from the family chooses a healthy lifestyle for himself, and the rest live for their own pleasure, not thinking about the future.

An active and healthy life with the whole family is 26.4%. "I am happy to follow a healthy lifestyle and easily introduced to this all members of my family," say the fair sex. When healing their body, they achieve harmony with themselves and the world around them. Many of them are sure that if a person feels well, then life is a joy to him, and not a burden. A healthy lifestyle is their choice.

22.3% of people who took part in the survey do not lead a healthy lifestyle and do not see this as a need. “A healthy lifestyle? What is it?” They ask in surprise. They don’t have enough time for sports, instead they prefer to sit at the computer or lie on the couch in front of the TV, they don’t like to eat wholesome food - they use fast food faster and cheaper, and they simply do not know how to get nervous. But the saddest thing is that this category of respondents cannot imagine life without alcohol, and this naturally goes against the concept of a healthy lifestyle.

As can be judged from the results of the survey, opinions were divided. But it’s nice to realize that most Russians still, if they do not lead an active life, then strive for a lifestyle aimed at preventing disease and improving health. Whatever you say, no one will object to the fact that only a healthy person can be free, joyful and happy.

2540 women from 179 cities of Russia aged 20 to 45 took part in this survey.


Watch the video: The Putin Files: John Brennan (July 2024).