Skin scrub. Cleopatra's Recipe


About the last Queen of Egypt Cleopatra legends compose. As you know, she was considered a woman very beautiful, the most courageous men wanted to part with life for the sake of her attention. But she fell in love with Mark Anthony.

Cleopatra carefully monitored the skin. She washed her face exclusively with water infused with silver. In order to maintain youthful skin of the hands. She used milk baths with honey and aloe. I prepared the scrub according to this recipe: 100 ml cream and 100 gr. sea ​​salt.

An exfoliating agent was applied to the body, previously well-steamed in a hot bath or sauna, and rubbed into the skin for 10 -15 minutes. Then it was washed off with warm water, and the body was buttered with olive oil.

Hair queen soap exclusively fresh chicken yolks. Then she rinsed them with a decoction of nettles, burdock and hops.
