Mushroom caviar made of mushrooms with vegetables, pepper and spices. Prepare mushroom caviar from saffron milk in a pan, pan and slow cooker


Tasty "royal mushrooms" mushrooms love spruce. They grow in large families, and if you find a mushroom place, you can pick up several buckets of these beautiful mushrooms. What to do with the crop? Salt, fry, cook soup, and also cook delicious mushroom caviar from saffron milk cap.

Such a delicious dish can be eaten on weekdays and on holidays. Mushroom caviar is good as a stand-alone snack, a spread on sandwiches, a filling for pancakes and pies, a component of pizza, salad or the first course.

A jar of mushroom game from saffron milk can be taken with you, going on a visit. It will turn out a nice and inexpensive gift for the owners.

Mushroom caviar from saffron milk - general principles of preparation

Harvested mushrooms before cooking caviar must be processed. Mushrooms are sorted, washed with cold water, cleaned of adhering grass and soil particles.

To cook caviar, saffron mushrooms need to be boiled (after boiling, cook for 20 minutes), and then scroll in a meat grinder with other ingredients. Depending on the recipe, it can be various vegetables: onions, carrots, garlic, tomatoes, peppers. They must be fried or stewed.

Mushroom caviar from saffron milk is prepared as a regular dish, or as a winter harvest. In principle, caviar prepared according to any recipe can be closed for the winter. The main thing is to add more vegetable oil or vinegar - as a preservative. In addition, it is important to properly prepare the banks.

Glass containers must be washed with them, and then sterilized over boiling water or in the oven at a temperature of 150 °. Sterilization time - 15-20 minutes depending on the volume. Metal lids must be boiled for 10-15 minutes.

Mushroom caviar from camelina "Village"

The simplest recipe for mushroom caviar from mushrooms includes only two ingredients. You can prepare a portion of delicious snacks in just half an hour. If there are a lot of mushrooms and you want to prepare caviar for the future, the amount of ingredients can be increased and add a tablespoon of vinegar for each liter can of finished caviar.


• kilogram of saffron milk cap;

• three medium onions;

• vegetable oil for frying (half a cup);

• two teaspoons of salt.

Cooking method:

Fold the washed peeled mushrooms in a pan, pour hot water, cook twenty minutes after boiling.

The foam should be removed periodically during boiling.

Once the mushrooms boil, add salt.

Drain the water through a colander, cool the mushrooms and cut into pieces of arbitrary shape and size.

Peel the onions, chop them with garlic or rings.

Heat any vegetable oil in a pan, fry the onions for 10 minutes.

Add mushrooms to the onion, salt to taste and fry all together for another 10 minutes.

Chill the mushrooms fried with onions, scroll through the fine grill with a warm meat grinder or grind in a blender bowl.

Add oil to the pan, lay the caviar and fry the mass again for five minutes.

Ready mushroom caviar from mushrooms to the table. You can sterilize glass containers, decompose the finished product and seal with metal lids.

Mushroom caviar with mushrooms and tomatoes

An excellent appetizer is obtained from mushrooms and tomatoes, fried along with carrots and onions. A beautiful and very healthy dish is a wonderful preparation for a long winter. It will take a long time to cook, but the snack will turn out to be very tasty and will be stored for a long time.


• a kilogram of fresh saffron mushrooms;

• kilogram of tomatoes;

• kilogram of carrots;

• kilogram of onion;

• vegetable oil;

• ground black pepper;

• salt;

• three tablespoons of vinegar.

Cooking method:

Boil the prepared mushrooms for half an hour and strain through a colander.

Peel the bulbs and carrots.

Finely grate the carrots, and chop the onion into cubes.

Pour oil into a pan, heat, fry the onions.

Five minutes later add carrots, fry it until tender.

Salt the fry, add pepper and spices (optional).

Wash the tomatoes, cut into several parts and scroll through a meat grinder.

Pour the tomato puree into a pan, simmer the vegetables over medium heat for five to seven minutes.

Twist the mushrooms in a meat grinder, put in a pan to vegetables and simmer for half an hour over low heat.

Pour in vinegar, mix, simmer another five minutes.

Put caviar in prepared jars.

In addition, sterilize in boiling water, covering with lids, for 15 minutes.

Let the mushroom caviar cool under a warm blanket, turning the lids down.

Store in a cool pantry or cellar.

Mushroom caviar made of mushrooms with carrots

There are many options for mushroom snacks. One of them is mushroom caviar with onions and carrots. It is prepared very simply, goes well with potato and meat dishes.


• one and a half kilograms of mushrooms;

• a pound of carrots;

• six hundred grams of onions;

• one and a half glasses of vegetable oil;

• tablespoon of vinegar 9%;

• salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Twist the boiled mushrooms in a meat grinder and fry.

Fry carrots and onions separately.

Combine all the components of mushroom caviar from mushrooms in a saucepan.

Pour in oil and simmer for an hour with constant stirring.

Five minutes before putting out the stew add a little vinegar, mix gently.

Put in the refrigerator or cork for the winter.

Mushroom caviar from saffron mushrooms "Spicy"

Red and black pepper give this variant of mushroom caviar from saffron mushrooms a piquant sharpness. It turns out a great snack for a festive feast.


• two kilograms of fresh mushrooms;

• three hundred grams of onions;

• three hundred grams of carrots;

• a glass of vegetable oil;

• a teaspoon of ground red pepper;

• salt to taste;

• ten peas of black pepper;

• three bay leaves;

• a large spoon of table (nine percent) vinegar.

Cooking method:

Boil mushrooms in salted water, drain into a colander and cool.

Grind cooled mushrooms in a blender or meat grinder.

Finely grate carrots, chop onions.

Fry the carrots in a pan.

Add onions, mushrooms, remaining oil, season with pepper and salt, put a bay leaf.

Simmer everything under the lid over low heat for two hours.

Before turning off the pan, add vinegar, mix well and fill the jars.

Cork, allow to cool in heat and take out in the cold for long storage.

Mushroom caviar made of mushrooms with garlic and horseradish

Another spicy and very fragrant version of mushroom caviar from mushrooms. The combination of horseradish and garlic makes the appetizer spicy and deliciously delicious.


• kilogram of fresh mushrooms;

• four medium-sized onions;

• five cloves of garlic;

• two sheets of horseradish;

• two tablespoons of 9 percent vinegar;

• vegetable oil;

• salt to taste;

• three branches of parsley;

• pepper and spices to your taste.

Cooking method:

Peel the saffron milk, wash, chop large ones into halves or quarters and cook in salted water.

Cool, drain into a colander.

Cut peeled onions into rings.

Put the onion in the butter preheated in a frying pan, fry until a pleasant golden hue.

Peel garlic cloves, wash horseradish and parsley.

Scroll boiled saffron mushroom in a meat grinder along with onion rings, horseradish leaves, sprigs of parsley and garlic.

Salt mushroom caviar, add pepper to taste, pour in the vinegar rate, mix well.

Transfer the workpiece into steamed glass jars, cover with lids, but do not cork.

Put the jars of caviar in a pan with hot water so that they are filled up to the neck. Sterilize for twenty minutes in boiling water.

Cork and cool like a regular winter blank.

Mushroom caviar with mushrooms and bell pepper

Vegetables go well with the taste of saffron mushrooms. Be sure to try making mushroom caviar from mushrooms, using bell pepper as one of the vegetable components.


• two kilograms of mushrooms;

• kilogram of bell pepper;

• kilogram of carrots;

• a kilogram of onion;

• a glass of any vegetable oil;

• salt.

Cooking method:

Chop the boiled mushrooms in a meat grinder.

Peel vegetables, hard peppers must be removed from peppers.

Scroll vegetables through a meat grinder.

In a thick-walled pan, combine vegetables and mushrooms, mix, salt, pour in the remaining oil and turn on the minimum heat.

When the juice boils, simmer for an hour.

Arrange in clean, sterilized jars, roll up and send to a cold pantry.

Mushroom caviar from saffron mushrooms in a slow cooker

It is convenient to cook mushroom caviar and a slow cooker. First you need to boil the mushrooms. Vegetables, if desired, can be fried in a multicooker or in a frying pan.


• seven hundred grams of boiled saffron mushrooms;

• three hundred grams of carrots;

• three hundred grams of onions;

• five cloves of garlic;

• a teaspoon of salt (vary to your taste);

• 100 ml of vegetable oil;

• two large spoons of 9% vinegar;

• a pinch of ground pepper mixture.

Cooking method

Finely grate the carrot, cut the onion into cubes.

Pour a little oil into the multicooker bowl, toss the vegetables and fry in the appropriate mode or in the baking program.

Twisted boiled mushrooms and fried vegetables in a meat grinder.

Put the mass in the bowl of the multicooker, pour in the remaining oil, salt, sprinkle with pepper, mix.

Cook caviar in a baking program for half an hour.

Pour vinegar, add chopped garlic.

Arrange in glass jars and cork.

Mushroom caviar from mushrooms - tricks and useful tips

In order to add spice to caviar, you can add bay leaf, garlic, paprika, and ground chili to any type of preparation.

It is not necessary to roll caviar in the banks for the winter. It can be laid out in plastic containers and frozen.

Caviar made from saffron mushrooms will prevent vitamin deficiency in the winter and protect against colds. In addition, due to the high content of beta-carotene, it improves eyesight, and due to calcium, magnesium, iron, has a beneficial effect on the skin, nails and hair.


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