Aggressive child: advice from American scientists


According to scientists, the character traits of a person are formed for three years. Even then, in the kid, you can guess what he can become in the future, how he will build his relations with other people. For example, if a child is cruel to animals, if he is selfish and obstinate, then it is quite possible to assume that he will transfer his aggression to adulthood, which, of course, should disturb parents and encourage them to turn to a child psychologist for advice.

Scientists at several American universities, as one of the subjects of their research, made a study of the child’s environment and biological factors that influence his future behavior. Also, one of the subjects of the study was the identification among the experimental group of children with clearly expressed antisocial actions. The main features that could lead to aggression in society in the future were considered: cruelty to relatives and animals, lack of guilt for bad actions, deceitfulness, egocentrism, lack of desire to obey general rules, even fasting for any misconduct .

According to the head of researchers, doctor of psychology Luke Hyde, if such qualities appear in a child under 3.5 years old, then there is no reason for concern - this is typical behavior for children who have not yet fully formed the idea of ​​good and bad. However, if the child continues to lead in this way and further, measures should be taken immediately, since these traits, aggravated over time, can result in a change in the mental state of a person in adulthood.

The amygdala is responsible for human behavior - a special part of the brain that controls a number of deep emotions: a sense of fear, anxiety, aggression. As studies have shown, for violations in the amygdala is primarily responsible for genetics and already in the second acquired life experience. Of course, a person’s environment has a great influence, as well as moral and ethical principles that guide parents in raising a child.

Dr. Hyde is convinced that the role of parents in the upbringing of certain qualities of a child is enormous. If you spend enough time with your baby, show concern and interest in his activities, surround him with warmth and attention, praise for the slightest success, eliminate corporal punishment, there is a great chance that even with a genetic predisposition to antisocial behavior, a child can grow up worthy by man. If the parents, subject to all of the above recommendations, are helpless in front of their child’s aggression, then to solve such a problem, of course, you need to contact a psychologist. While the child is small, with the correct correction of his behavior, there are great chances that he will grow up as a mentally healthy person.


Watch the video: Anger, Aggression, and Defiance in Children- Anger Management Techniques (July 2024).