Coughing during pregnancy


It is good if a woman during pregnancy is not affected by such a problem as a cough. But, unfortunately, in life everything is not so rosy, and at any moment the expectant mother can get sick. Fire adds fuel to the oil and lowered immunity, which is an integral companion of the first months of pregnancy. That is why mother is simply obliged to take care of her health, and in the case of even a slight malaise - to take urgent measures to eliminate the painful focus, otherwise the most expensive treasure on Earth - her baby can suffer.

Causes of Coughing during Pregnancy

Most often, coughing is a symptom of infectious diseases of the ENT organs and respiratory tract. Sometimes it is caused by nervous strain and stress. An allergy can also provoke a strong cough, especially with constant exposure to an allergen. Some stomach upsets (like reflux) can cause a cough. It is impossible not to mention smoking. This habit is often the cause of chronic cough, in addition, it adversely affects the fetus.

What is the danger of coughing during pregnancy

Coughing during pregnancy causes discomfort not only in the mother, but also in the born child. The more persistent and intense the cough, the greater the threat. Why it happens? It would seem, what cough can harm the fetus? But it turns out that a strong dry, paroxysmal cough during pregnancy inevitably causes an increase in the tone of the uterus, which provokes the appearance of painful spasms and leads to a violation of the blood supply to the fetus. This, as a rule, entails difficulties in transporting oxygen and all nutrients to the child. In addition, the common cause of a debilitating cough is just colds that can, with their symptoms (inflammation, temperature, aches), seriously harm the body growing inside.

Particular vigilance must be shown to women who are at risk of abortion. The same applies to the tech who is given a disappointing diagnosis - isthmic-cervical insufficiency. The medicine for such pregnant women, regardless of the etymology of cough, should be selected as soon as possible in order to prevent serious complications, miscarriage or intrauterine death of the fetus.

Pregnancy Cough Treatment

How to act if a severe cough is affected? After all, it has long been known that synthetic drugs can not be used, especially in the first trimester, when the main emphasis lies on the development of the most important organs in the baby (heart, brain). How to help yourself and not harm the child. First of all - calm down and not panic. And then follow all the doctor's recommendations. Below we will offer those cough treatment methods that are not only safe, but also very effective. In any case, before applying any of these methods, you should consult with a specialist.

Traditional cough treatment for pregnancy

For the treatment of dry cough during the first trimester of pregnancy, the following syrups are allowed:

- Bronchicum
- Stodal
- Sinecode

For the treatment of dry cough during the second and third trimesters, it is allowed to take:

- Stopussin Syrup
- Coldrex Knight
- The drug Falimint
- Libexin

For the treatment of wet cough during the entire months of pregnancy is allowed (only after consultation with the doctor):

- Licorice root syrup
- Bromhexine
- Mukaltin
- Bronchiprest
- Herbion
- Tussin
- Gedelix
- Breast collection
- Dr. Mom
- Linkas
- Prospan
- Teraflu (in the 1st trimester - carefully!)

The list of drugs that are strictly contraindicated in any month of pregnancy:

- Tussin plus
- Glycodin
- Flux
- Codelac
- Terpincode
- Broncholitin
- Pertussin
- Ascoril
- Josette
- Travisil

In addition, during pregnancy it is prohibited:

- take hot baths, soar feet;
- put banks and mustard plasters;
- undergo physiotherapy, UHF;
- consume an excess dose of vitamin C.

Alternative methods of treating cough during pregnancy

Traditional medicine offers us a huge number of recipes that differ from traditional drugs, first of all, for their safety. The only thing I want to mention is do not forget to consult a doctor, since any component of traditional medicine (by the way, not only traditional) can cause individual intolerance in a pregnant or unborn child.

Recipes of decoctions, infusions for oral administration:

1. Freshly squeezed radish juice (preferably black), mixed with honey in a ratio of 2: 1 (where 2 parts - juice, 1 - honey) will help loosen dry persistent cough. Mix thoroughly (or shake) and take inside two to three tablespoons 3-6 times a day.

2. Take 3-4 fig fruits, pour 500 g. milk and cook (slowly) until the milk turns brownish. This tasty medicine can be consumed with honey in the form of heat, 100 ml three times a day.

3. Grate 500 gr. onion, dilute the gruel with two tablespoons of honey. The therapeutic mixture is taken half a teaspoon three times a day between meals. You can also rub the chest area with gruel with a strong cough.

4. In equal parts, mix hazelnuts and honey. Consume 1 teaspoon 3 to 6 times a day.

5. Mix horseradish juice with honey in a ratio of 1: 2. To use several times a day in small portions with a small amount of water.

6. In a glass of milk, put a tablespoon of sage, then boil the mixture over low heat. Wrap something warm for 3-4 hours. Take the broth before going to bed. Very good for persistent coughing.

7. Take two parts of coltsfoot and Althea root and one part of oregano (herb). Three spoons (tea) of the mixture of herbs pour boiling water, insist for half an hour, strain and drink 100 g. 2-6 times a day.

One more effective method of combating cough can be added to healing infusions and herbs: we spread whole cabbage leaf with honey and apply it to our breasts (with honey down), cover with a warm scarf or towel and leave the leaf all night. In the morning, wash with warm water and wipe the skin dry with a towel.

In addition, breast massage using warm honey helps with coughing. Massage is necessary the place where usually mustard plasters are placed. It is advisable to perform such a procedure at night, and then cover your chest with a warm blanket.

Gargling and inhalation when coughing during pregnancy

Gargling as a method of getting rid of a strong cough is ideal as an additional therapy to the main method. Gargle should be after meals and between meals up to five to eight times a day. For this purpose, anti-inflammatory herbal preparations are used (sage, chamomile, plantain, coltsfoot, calendula, etc.), as well as ordinary water with the addition of baking soda, salt or apple cider vinegar.

Inhalations - this is perhaps the most effective and effective method of treating cough during a cold. For the procedure, special inhalers are ideal, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. If this is not available, then you can do it with improvised means. You can breathe over the spout of the kettle, a paper "bag" or a pan. If there is no high temperature, you can hide from above with any coverlet.

With a dry cough, thyme, chamomile, lime blossom, sage, St. John's wort, marshmallow and plantain are perfectly suitable as the main ingredients for inhalation. And with a wet cough - a snake highlander, wild rosemary, eucalyptus, coltsfoot, lingonberry, yarrow and a succession. For inhalation, you can use both herbs (separately or in combination), and aromatic oils that have anti-inflammatory effects and soothe the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.

Pregnancy and coughing are incompatible, and if such a nuisance overtakes you, take urgent measures. Indeed, procrastination is fraught with sometimes grave consequences for the future baby. During the treatment period, do not forget to drink more fluids (except alcoholic, energetic, highly carbonated drinks) and eat balanced - this will certainly enhance the effect!


Ira 02.11.2016
Oh, the trouble is this cough in this position. I already drank: radish juice with honey, onion juice with honey, tons of ginger tea, tea with cinnamon and lemon, linden, absorbed burnt sugar and peppermint candies. And what do you think? I still go and cough, I’ll go to the therapist soon, let him prescribe real medicines, until my tone has increased. Longing for those times when it was possible to drink a josette and immediately it became easier ...

Therefore, medications must be taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor !!!!!

Anna 10/01/2016
You write a synecode medicine, I bought it, it turned out that you should never drink it at 1 trimester, do you read the instructions before writing the article? After all, pregnant women read you, you are responsible for the publication. Mom, be careful when buying drugs that we are advised on the Internet.

Olga 09/27/2016
In the recommendations I read the syrup Sinekod. Quote from the instructions:
“Pregnancy and lactation.
There have been no controlled clinical trials in pregnant women. In this regard, Sinecode should not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the II and III trimesters, the use of Sinecode is possible taking into account the benefits to the mother and the potential risk to the fetus. "
You can’t write articles so categorically. “Allowed” and “should not be applied” are far from readable in the instructions. And two other syrups with alcohol. I am looking further.

Irina 08/31/2016
By the way, other sources write that black radish juice with honey is contraindicated during pregnancy (due to essential oils that can tone the uterus and cause a miscarriage). But if you are careful, then you can!


Watch the video: Pregnancy and Medications. Video FAQs - UCLA Family Health Center (July 2024).