Edema during pregnancy


Edema - excessive accumulation of fluid in a certain part of the body and the retention of its excess. This phenomenon is familiar to almost every pregnant woman, most often the problem occurs in the later stages. The health hazard of the expectant mother and baby depends on the intensity of the edema, the problem should be solved with the help of a doctor, because, first of all, it is necessary to understand the cause of the edema and only then proceed with their treatment.

Edema during pregnancy - causes

As a rule, edema during pregnancy occurs from the fourth month, if the process started earlier, you should inform your doctor. This phenomenon may indicate a hidden pathology, it is possible that it will be revealed at a later date and will jeopardize the baby's life and the health of the pregnant woman.

Most of the fair sex during the period of bearing a child suffers from edema, but you can not look for the cause of this phenomenon in pregnancy, as a rule, we are talking about improper functioning of the kidneys, cardiovascular system, excess water in the body, excessive physical exertion. Often, edema is caused by the fact that an ever-increasing uterus constricts blood vessels, the blood feels significant obstacles when moving.

Legs and arms swell in the future mother in the later stages of pregnancy, but there are cases when the swelling spreads throughout the body and the woman begins to quickly gain weight, this phenomenon is called "dropsy". With dropsy, it is difficult to clench a hand into a fist or to bend a leg. If untreated, dropsy can develop into the most dangerous form of edema - gestosis.

Gestosis - late toxicosis, in which severe edema, high blood pressure, high protein in the urine are observed, all these factors significantly increase the risk of miscarriage or premature birth. Histosis can be treated, but it should be carried out in a hospital under the supervision of a specialist.

Swelling of the hands during pregnancy

In the later stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience swelling of the hands, most often this is noticeable by the way the fingers are bent, difficulties arise when wearing the ring.

This is not to say that with such a phenomenon as swelling of the hands, one should rush to the doctor for help in a panic, in the third trimester they occur quite often. However, if edema is combined with high blood pressure, rapid weight gain, or creates significant discomfort, you should definitely consult with a specialist in this regard. In the normal course of pregnancy, the likely cause of hand swelling is the abuse of salty or fatty foods and the pressure of the uterus on the vessels and ureters.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy

Swelling of the legs in pregnant women is a very common phenomenon, the problem is that the body of the expectant mother accumulates sodium, which contributes to the retention of fluid in the body, as a result of which edema appears.

Many women complain that puffiness appears in the daytime and in the evening, this is easily explained: a long stay in a horizontal position (during a night's rest) allows the fluid to spread throughout the body, so after sleep, swelling is almost invisible. After walking or being on the feet for a long time, moisture rushes into the lower extremities, as a result, noticeable edema appears in the ankles, lower legs and on the back of the feet. In some cases, leg edema can be accompanied by high blood pressure, then it makes sense to consult a doctor so as not to provoke a severe form of gestosis.

Treatment and prevention of edema during pregnancy

It is believed that edema can be eliminated by reducing the amount of fluid consumed, but in the case of pregnancy, this method is unlikely to be justified. Refusal of liquid will lead to the fact that the body begins to accumulate water and swelling can become stronger. For the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, it is recommended to drink no more than one and a half liters of fluid per day, excluding vegetables, soups, tea, etc. In the third trimester, the dosage should be reduced by 2 times - up to 750 milliliters per day.

If you want to get rid of edema, you should not eat salty and fatty foods, the same recommendations exist regarding smoked meats, spicy dishes, carbonated drinks and coffee. It is wonderful if a pregnant woman spends a fasting day on juice and apples once a week, in case this process is too complicated, other fruits can be added to the diet.

It is recommended that the expectant mother rest at least 10 hours a day (at night), excluding daytime rest (1.5-2 hours). Before going to bed, you need to put a roller under your legs, fine if they rise above the body.

With severe leg fatigue, you can do warm baths, foot massage. Do not forget about the systematic walks in the fresh air. Sometimes, doctors recommend herbal teas with a diuretic effect, and vitamins that strengthen the walls of blood vessels to improve blood circulation. From folk remedies, the infusion of dried apricots removes edema (pour boiling water overnight, drink half an hour before meals in the morning).

Whatever remedy is chosen as a cure for edema, its use should definitely be discussed with the attending physician, since pregnancy is too critical a period to risk health.


Valya 03/27/2016
My sister gave birth to me recently ... She had cystitis, the swelling was just terrible, no herbs helped, they prescribed pills. Yes, there was still summer, the heat was strong, and you can’t drink ... In general, I was tormented ...

Ekaterina 03/27/2016
And they say that swelling may appear from too fast weight gain .... My friend knew it, at least the doctor said that it was because of this ... He prescribed some grass, it helped her. And they told her to do exercises, the weight dropped and swelling too ...

Nelly 03/03/2016
The girls were given magnesia on the ward from edema ... But I often sat on apples and there wasn’t any edema. I didn’t lean on salt, I couldn’t eat fat. But toxicosis, however, still tormented. With him, then I suffered ...

Darina 03/27/2016
Yes ... swelling is a serious problem. By the last months I had swollen everything that could swell, prescribed some kind of herbal paste, here it helped, only it was saved. Yes, I also have kidney problems, everything was even more aggravated ...

Alena 03/27/2016
I had not just swelling on my legs, but even my legs were actually not visible)))) It’s impossible to walk like a duck))) Everything was from salty food, but I simply couldn’t refuse it! So I was tormented ... Walking ... It was just that it was difficult))


Watch the video: Pregnancy swelling edema (July 2024).