How to make an inexpensive art nouveau design?


More than 100 years ago, a universal formula was developed in creating the perfect home design. Its embodiment was the art nouveau style. Most people know it as "modern." Why, then, exactly the Jugend style (Jugendstil - “young style” for it)? The German art nouveau owes this name to the art magazine Jugend, which was published in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century and played a special role in the cultural life of the Germans. It is also called "Art Nouveau." Along with the name in the Aryan lands, Art Nouveau has acquired its own unique features, becoming the answer of a new generation of artists and designers to old schools.

It was during the formation and development of the art nouveau style that the Germans set out to make luxury accessible to everyone. They set themselves the task of organizing the mass production of everyday goods, but at the same time increase the artistic level of products. This goal was also close to Richard Rimerschmid, who in 1900 revolutionized interior design by combining a “young style” with ethnic motifs. A propagandist of a new direction - R. Rimerschmid worked in many fields from designing furniture, fabrics and wallpapers to creating glass and porcelain products. Being one of the founders of the “Association of Art and Craft Workshops” R. Rimerschmid did not stop his life all his searches for the ideal balance between the level of quality of products and their accessibility for the widest sections of the population. The search for the Golden Grail by German manufacturers continues to this day:

Artwork from 4 parts in the Art Nouveau style from the brand Bildeport24

Set of decorative figurines. Art Nouveau Elephants by Gilde Handwerk

Seven years later, the Germans switched from words to deeds and forever changed the world’s view of design. Since 1907, mass production of plywood furniture in Germany began. This marked a new stage in the distribution of consumer goods. Beautiful and elegant things have become available not only to the wealthy strata of the population, but also to people with an average level of income.

Today, art nouveau style is widely used in interior design around the world. After all, the Germans are a good judge of high-quality and functional things. The items that they make for everyday life can be considered standard in many respects. Therefore, to create a stylish and beautiful interior, it is better to use products from the "homeland" of "Art Nouveau." For example, on the website of the German mega-market LAARY, you can purchase interior items directly from German and European manufacturers at competitive prices.

Art Nouveau painting. Forms and lines from the brand Bideport24

When creating an interior home in Germany are guided by three key parameters: comfort, quality factor and aesthetics. Want your home to look like this? Follow simple rules: no extra paraphernalia, only simple shapes and grace of natural lines. Of course, a global alteration will require impressive costs, but there is an alternative way - to focus on the details.

The Germans always offer things as they are: without deliberate pathos and unnecessary additional functions. Want to understand how customers in Germany think and what interests them? Stop by LAARY. You will find about half a million products from European manufacturers in one place: furniture, home accessories, clothes, shoes, cosmetics and more. Indeed, the art nouveau style is not only design, but also fashion, art is a lifestyle. Create your image to match the updated interior of the house.

Painting "Bamboo"

Art Nouveau clothes

Tunic with a floral pattern by Italia Moda

Exquisite Chiffon Dress from Top Site

Dress by R&F

For centuries, German furniture has been renowned for its durability and reliability. Want to make a bright accent in the dining room? Pay attention to the chairs. Choose furniture with bright backs. The shape of the back, as well as the entire chair should differ in natural lines and flow smoothly from the handles into the back, legs of the chair. Indeed, the art nouveau style implies harmony in everything. He never looks heavy, and therefore does not accept bulky objects. Furniture with a carved pattern of leaves or flowers is an exact adherence to the traditions of German Art Nouveau. Pay attention to products made using plywood technology.

Ring Chair by Pfilippe Stark

If you choose the art nouveau style, then the precision lighting system should become an indispensable component of the home interior. Instead of one main source - use several. Each place has a unique light transmission - such is nature. Take a look at the sunlight penetrating through the foliage, as it plays, it changes. So you can make a unique lighting system in each room - create the atmosphere of the house according to your mood!

Jugend-style does not accept variegation, but welcomes a very diverse color scheme. Choose bed colors and muted shades. "Art Nouveau" seeks precision lines and impeccable order, so use interior decorations with "natural motifs". For example, in the dining room, the correct emphasis can be made using napkins with a "floral" pattern.

Lamp "Flower" from the brand Gilde Skulptur

As the Germans say: "Ohne Fleiß kein Preis / There is no reward without effort," so strive for the best and enjoy homework without extra expenses. Build your dream home with LAARY!


Watch the video: Interior Design Styles: Art Deco (July 2024).