20 week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensation at 20 weeks of gestation.


You have come close to the equator of pregnancy. It seems that only yesterday the test showed two bars for the first time, and already halfway passed. During this time, the child has turned from a small point into an almost viable fetus. Another two to three weeks, and he will be able to survive in the event of premature birth. The hardest time is behind. From this period you can enjoy your position. Toxicosis has already let go, weakness and drowsiness too. You feel quite cheerful and energetic.

Changes in the body at 20 weeks of gestation

Your stomach continues to grow, the skin on it stretches, and when its elasticity is not enough, stretch marks (striae) appear on it. This is not fatal, but will leave an aesthetic defect for life. Therefore, for prevention, it is better to prepare the skin of the chest and abdomen in advance. Namely, lubricate with special creams or lotions from stretch marks.

Buying them at a store or pharmacy will not be difficult, the main thing is to pay attention to the composition: at least chemistry, more natural ingredients. Even better, essential oils are included. They very effectively soften the skin, making it more elastic.

With an improvement in overall well-being and the disappearance of toxicosis, a woman has an excellent appetite. In order not to gain excess weight, try to control nutrition, diversify it as much as possible. No matter how you like to eat another bun, eat an apple or an orange. Kill several birds with one stone: you won’t gain extra pounds, you will get an additional portion of vitamins and the intestines will work well, which is very important for constipation.

Perhaps the legs begin to swell, the ankles swell. Edema is caused by fluid retention in the body and a difficult outflow of venous blood from the lower extremities. For the same reason, varicose veins may appear. Therefore, do not overload your legs, stand for a long time, you need to give them rest. For a better venous outflow, when lying down, you should put a small pillow under them.

The condition of the fetus at 20 weeks of gestation

The baby is becoming more and more like a real man. He is still not quite a hero, but not Thumbelina anymore: his height is about 25-26 cm, and his weight is -340-350 g. His eyes are decorated with cilia and eyebrows, hairs grow on his head, and nails on tiny fingers. The kid has already quite settled down in his house, in a businesslike way he tumbles and makes all kinds of steps.

His body begins to be covered with primordial grease, which means that the sebaceous glands have earned. It is the lubricant that will help him quickly pass through the birth canal. In the meantime, it protects the skin of the child from constantly being in a humid environment. The kid already has a lot of things that can: swallow, yawn, suck a finger, clench fists and make faces. He expresses his emotions in this way.

Internal organs are formed and are almost ready to independently carry out their functions. By the 20th week, the spleen, sex glands begin to function, primordial feces (meconium) are formed, which accumulates in the intestines of the baby. The child swallows more amniotic fluid, which is good for the entire digestive system.

Possible sensations at 20 weeks of gestation

By week 20, almost every woman already felt the first gentle movements of the child. Someone feels like a fish has splashed or a butterfly has flung its wings - the movements are like light tangential movements. Having strengthened, the child will begin to push in such a way that the handle or leg will stick out with a tubercle on his stomach.

The body requires a sufficient supply of oxygen, but an enlarged uterus presses on the diaphragm, which prevents deep breathing. Therefore, a pregnant woman changes her breathing rhythm: it becomes more frequent. You have to rebuild, because you’ll have to breathe until the birth, until the bottom of the uterus drops below.

Another unpleasant moment at week 20 may be the appearance of pain in the lower back, back and leg cramps. This is understandable, because an increased load is placed on the spine, and here the grown belly has shifted the center of gravity. Plus, the body began to produce an increased amount of relaxin, a hormone that makes ligaments more elastic.

Therefore, you should help yourself: do not wear high heels, if possible, do not lift weights. If you need to bend over, it is better to do it with a straight back, squatting. A special bandage will help to alleviate the condition, which is recommended to be worn from the 20th week. And massage and the vitamin-mineral complex can save you from cramps. Which is best taken, your doctor will advise.

Necessary medical supervision

From the twentieth week, a second ultrasound is prescribed. Of the three required, it is the most informative, because all organs are formed in the fetus, so it is easy to assess the health of the unborn child, possible anomalies and defects. Curious moms and dads want to quickly find out the gender of the child. Often it is possible to accurately determine it, because the genitals of the fetus are already formed. But if the child decides to extend the intrigue, he will turn to the screen a soft spot. And you will have no choice but to pass for some more time in ignorance.

The woman during this period continues to be under the supervision of a doctor leading her pregnancy. Until the 20th week, it must be visited once every 3 weeks, from 21 - once every 2 weeks. At the reception, the gynecologist measures the patient’s pressure, weight, examines on the couch, gives a referral for urine and blood tests. Based on the results of the examination and analysis, the doctor determines the health status of the future mother and child.

General recommendations

The brain continues to form in the child, which means that it is necessary to introduce products containing healthy fats - olive oil, nuts, avocados, fish into the diet. Especially useful are tuna, sardines and salmon.

To provide the body with enough oxygen, daily walks are necessary. Do not forget to spare your legs, so no heels, choose shoes only at low speed.

With varicose veins, to facilitate the condition and help the legs, it is necessary to wear compression underwear - tight tights, knee-high stockings, stockings. Wearing such underwear will reduce the load on the legs, help reduce pain and swelling.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Liana 10/02/2016
My sun is moving ... sometimes very intensively, a little boxer, sometimes disappears, and then I start to worry how my girl is! At work, the leader arranges concerts, unscrupulous, but the baby and I bravely endured everything! My husband and I are waiting for her! Sometimes he kisses my stomach and says, well, would you like to see her soon, well, when will she come out?))))))) And his most important pearl - I LOSED FOR IT, LET BE BORN ASAP!

Daria 03/30/2016
And they told me at the ultrasound that we will have a boy! But true, this is not entirely accurate. In a month I’ll go again, and then I will know for sure. Yes, actually, what's the difference - a boy or a girl. Simply, we have already taken so many names, I would like at least to limit the number of sex)))

Larisa 03/30/2016
Oh move, so move! Kicking right. I have a third pregnancy, but every time, like the first! All new and new sensations! I, this time, had almost no symptoms corresponding to the pregnancy. I didn’t suffer from anything.

Vikusya 03/30/2016
How amazing! Already the eyebrows and cilia appeared! And how does he move there, as if playing football!))) I can’t even believe that all these unpleasant moments are behind (like toxicosis, etc.). Yes, now it’s the turn of edema and varicose veins ... It’s difficult, still the female share)))

Galina 03/30/2016
I can’t believe that half the time has passed! And on the other hand, so long before its end ... Although ... I do not rush things, as my child is the first, and somehow a little scary ... Still, this is a big responsibility!


Watch the video: Your Developing Baby, 17-20 Weeks Pregnant. Kaiser Permanente (June 2024).