Efficiency of proper nutrition: a list of protein and carbohydrate products for weight loss. What proteins and carbohydrates will help reduce weight


Most women are dissatisfied with their figure, many of them choose such a method of losing weight as a hard, exhausting food system in search of the most effective diet.

Hateful kilograms may go away thanks to such radical methods, but they are replaced by chronic diseases and health problems amid sharp weight loss. In fact, you can safely lose weight with proper nutrition.

List of protein and carbohydrate products for weight loss: weight loss with carbohydrates

Usually the concepts of weight loss and carbohydrates are difficult to combine with each other.

Anyone whose diets became a way of life can safely say that carbohydrate foods should be deleted from the menu.

Moreover, it is necessary to refuse to take them both for the period of the diet, and after it, so that extra pounds could not return. This approach is fundamentally wrong.

The body equally needs proteins, and fats, and carbohydrates. The lack of one of the components leaves a noticeable mark on the well-being of a person for the first time, and later develops into serious health problems.

Inadequate intake of carbohydrates leads to metabolic disorders, reduced performance and loss of strength. As you know, it is carbohydrates that can saturate the body with energy and maintain vigor.

Naturally, returning to carbohydrates, that in this case we are not talking about sweets, sugar, pastries and other similar carbohydrates.

They certainly do not in any way contribute to weight loss. However, only on these products the list of carbohydrates does not end there.

What carbohydrates can be consumed, and which should be completely excluded from the diet: a list of protein and carbohydrate products for weight loss

1. Fast carbohydrates - the first thing that should be abandoned. They are not suitable for weight loss. They are easy enough to remember and exclude from your menu. These are sweets, chocolate, cakes, cakes, cookies, sweets, muffins, popcorn, condensed milk, dates, bananas, watermelons and sauces such as mayonnaise and ketchup. Beer also belongs to fast carbohydrates, so if you are seriously planning to lose weight, then forget about this many favorite drink. As an exception, you can use these products only in cases where there is too much gap between meals, and hunger is already on. Especially good if you, for example, physically work. Energy from carbohydrates will be spent on maintaining strength.

2. Complex or slow carbohydrates differ from fast ones in that they enter the blood slowly, gradually, while maintaining a feeling of satiety for much longer. When complex carbohydrates are consumed, energy in the body is wasted, not accumulated. For example, a plate of porridge will give a feeling of satiety for a long time, thanks to it you will not eat too much, which will also positively affect your figure. Food with slow carbohydrates should be taken in the morning or at lunch to recharge your body with energy for the whole day, and for dinner it is better to make a low-fat protein menu.

The list of products useful for weight loss with the content of slow carbohydrates:

• buckwheat;

• cereals;

• white and brown rice;

• barley;

• beans;

• peas;

• rye and bran bread;

• pasta - allowed only from durum wheat;

• spinach;

• broccoli;

• bran.

White rice is often not included in such lists, which is quite wrong. He was able to successfully establish himself as a means for losing weight, despite the high glycemic index.

Listed bread can be consumed in limited quantities. After all, flour products consist of yeast and flour.

Most fruits and vegetables are made up of fast carbohydrates. Natural fiber, which is part of the composition, slows down their absorption by the body, which makes it possible to protect the body from sudden insulin emissions, as is the case with other fast carbohydrates.

List of protein and carbohydrate products for weight loss: the presence in the diet of varieties of proteins

For proteins, there is also a division into 2 groups: fast and slow.

Fast squirrels absorbed by the body in the shortest possible time, therefore, it is best suited for athletes. In order to lose weight, you need to use such a protein immediately before training for several hours. The next meal should not be immediately after training, but after 2-3 hours. So the body gets the opportunity to let its fat accumulation into consumption.

Slow squirrels so named because of the low rate of absorption in the body. Their calorific value is significantly lower than that of the previous group, however, more energy is consumed for their processing. They are useful proteins that stimulate weight loss. With the help of slow proteins, building muscle mass will not work, as thanks to fast ones, but they will contribute to the departure of extra pounds.

The most common representative of slow proteins is cottage cheese. It is absorbed completely in the body for 6-8 hours. The main thing in consuming slow proteins is the intake time. To supply muscles with amino acids, you need to consume proteins at night. It is also good to eat them for those who have been without food for a long time in a working process. Due to the duration of assimilation, a feeling of hunger will not appear, but at the same time, the body will be supplied with useful trace elements.

In order to lose weight, protein is also recommended for the night, namely such products:

• yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir or fermented baked milk - about 300-400 ml of dairy products and satisfy hunger, and will be useful for the digestive tract;

• fat-free hard cheese;

• fish, tuna is ideal in this case;

• hummus or chickpea puree with spices and oil;

• poultry meat quickly saturates the body;

• soy and soy products are very useful;

• nuts: almonds, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, but do not get carried away with them, the optimal norm is 35 g;

• berries;

• fruits, should be excluded grapes, as well as bananas;

• dried fruits, including dates, figs, pears - they are very useful;

• eggplant and squash caviar without bread is appropriate;

• lettuce, carrots, avocados, spinach, broccoli - from these products you can make a salad without adding salt.

Animal proteins are better absorbed in the body, namely they are most often recommended by doctors. But in order to avoid the occurrence of allergies, it is better to make a varied menu.

List of Protein and Carbohydrate Slimming Products: Protein Based Diet

1. Best of all, the body perceives and breaks down egg white. It is recommended to eat eggs daily, not exceeding the norm of 2 pieces.

2. A useful and necessary product is meat. You can cook chicken or lean beef steamed.

3. You can add light side dishes to the meat, the first place among which belongs to oatmeal. This product is not only very useful for the body, it is a combination of proteins, carbohydrates, with a low fat content and minimal calorie content.

Efficient Nutrition with a List of Protein and Carbohydrate Slimming Products

The list of protein and carbohydrate products for weight loss should consist of those ingredients that have a low glycemic index. In addition to this indicator, the time of day should be taken into account when it is planned to eat a particular product, the degree of physical activity, the duration of breaks between meals. The same bread with honey eaten in the morning before a physically difficult day is just a way to stock up on energy.

To eat properly and lose weight, you must follow these rules:

1. The introduction of fractional nutrition or simple language meal in small portions. Instead of the prescribed three receptions, their number increases to 5 times a day.

2. Refusal of a diet consisting solely of protein foods. Combination with other products is mandatory, for example, with vegetables.

3. Of the sauces, only soy and lemon are allowed, the rest of the taboos in the correct diet.

4. Complex carbohydrates should be consumed in the morning, light food or carbohydrates again in the afternoon, and slow proteins in the afternoon.

5. The main ingredients of a balanced diet are chicken breast, boiled beef, fish, seafood (not more than 200 g). The method of preparation is steaming or water. You can complement the main dishes with salads or green vegetables.

Everyone who wants to lose weight for the New Year - it's time to start!


Watch the video: Understanding Carbs (July 2024).