Hemorrhoids in men: causes, symptoms, complications. Methods of treating hemorrhoids in men, prevention of unpleasant disease


Hemorrhoids are a fairly common pathology that is usually diagnosed in people in the age group of thirty to fifty years.

A variety of factors can cause this disease.

Consider in more detail the symptoms of hemorrhoids in men and methods for eliminating this unpleasant ailment.

Hemorrhoids in men: causes

There are the following factors that can give impetus to the development of hemorrhoids in men:

1. The hereditary factor. At the same time, the risk of such an ailment is many times greater when close relatives on the male side are sick.

2. A sedentary or general sedentary lifestyle. This is often associated with the profession of a man. Specialists such as an accountant, driver, programmer and office workers are most susceptible to inflammation of hemorrhoids. This is justified by the fact that such people have to stay in a sitting position for many hours a day, which leads to stagnation of blood in the small pelvis, and as a result of this - the development of hemorrhoids.

3. Chronic constipation is a very common cause of the further development of hemorrhoids. Constipation occurs due to disruption of the intestines, which, in turn, develops due to improper nutrition (eating fatty, fried, heavy meat dishes, flour, etc.). Such a diet will be poorly absorbed and make the digestive tract work harder, which will directly affect a person’s stool.

Moreover, if a man likes to use spicy sauces and spices, then such dishes will further increase blood flow to the pelvic organs, increasing the risk of the formation of an acute form of hemorrhoids.

4. Frequent use of alcoholic beverages (it is not so important how strong the alcohol will be) helps to expand the veins in the pelvis and increase the flow of blood to them. Thus, with each subsequent portion of the drink, the man increases the stagnant processes in the pelvis, making himself vulnerable to the appearance of hemorrhoids.

5. Lifting weights can dramatically increase intra-abdominal pressure in men. With intense stress, an unprepared person can quickly "earn" acute hemorrhoids.

6. Bowel obstruction.

7. Oncological pathologies in the pelvic or rectal regions are also quite often accompanied by the appearance of hemorrhoidal nodes in humans.

8. Congenital malformations of the intestine (the absence of special valves in the hemorrhoidal veins) with poor nutrition can cause inflammation in humans.

Hemorrhoids in men: symptoms and signs

Hemorrhoids in men are practically no different from manifestations in hemorrhoids in women.

In this case, the disease will be accompanied by the following symptoms:

1. Discomfort and pain (pain, burning, stinging) during bowel movements.

2. The feeling of having a foreign body in the anus.

3. The appearance of bloody or mucous secretions in the feces and after defecation (in the latter case, scarlet blood will indicate acute inflammation and a possible anal fissure).

4. Itching in the anus.

5. Pain when sitting down. At the same time, the pain syndrome is sometimes so strong that a person has to use special devices (circles) under the ass.

6. If the hemorrhoids has an external course, then the nodes will be visible in the area of ​​the anal ring (compaction is observed). Moreover, at the very beginning of the disease, such nodes will not fall out, however, in the advanced state of the disease, hemorrhoids can fall out not only after defecation, but also during physical exertion. Moreover, this condition will be accompanied by severe pain and bleeding.

It is important to knowthat the first manifestations of hemorrhoids for a long time (several months) may be undetected, since at first the disease proceeds with mild symptoms.

Moreover, quite often men for a long time ignore their disease, not considering it serious and assuming that it will go away on its own. In fact, as medical practice shows, hemorrhoids cannot be cured on their own, and due to the lack of treatment, it progresses.

For this reason, unfortunately, in most cases, a proctologist is consulted even when the disease has become chronic, and requires long-term treatment.

Hemorrhoids in men: treatment methods

When the first signs of this disease appear, a man is recommended to consult a proctologist. This specialist will conduct an initial examination and prescribe the necessary examinations.

When a diagnosis is established, a course of treatment is selected. It largely depends on the degree of neglect of hemorrhoids, the form of its course, as well as the general symptoms of the patient.

Traditional therapy involves the following:

1. The appointment of anti-inflammatory ointments and gels (Relief, Proctosedil).

2. The use of analgesics in the form of tablets (No-spa).

3. The name of painkillers and anti-inflammatory rectal suppositories (Proctoglivenol).

4. The use of drugs that are aimed at improving blood circulation (Aescusan).

5. The patient is prescribed laxatives to combat constipation and normalize stool.

6. It is useful for a person to take sedentary baths with the addition of medicinal decoctions of chamomile, hypericum, nettle.

7. Homemade suppositories of sea buckthorn oil and aloe juice help very well.

With the advanced form of hemorrhoids, the patient is prescribed surgical treatment.

It may include such operations techniques:

1. Thrombectomy involves the removal of an formed thrombus from a hemorrhoid.

2. Removal of nodes with special latex rings is considered a gentle method and less traumatic.

3. Hemorrhoidectomy is an operation in which there is a total removal of the formed hemorrhoidal nodes.

In addition, during treatment, the patient must follow these doctor's recommendations:

1. Carefully observe intimate hygiene.

2. Refuse to drink alcohol.

3. Observe bed rest, or at least completely eliminate any physical exertion (especially lifting weights).

4. Follow a diet. It provides for a complete ban on fatty, spicy, sour, salty, fried and smoked. All dishes should be light, grated and lean. You can eat cereals, mashed soups, all kinds of vegetable casseroles and jelly. Non-acidic fruits and salads are also allowed. It is also better to temporarily refuse baking, potatoes, white bread and sweet carbonated drinks so as not to provoke constipation.

Hemorrhoids in men: treatment, complications, prevention

Despite the seeming, at first glance, harmlessness of hemorrhoids, it is considered a very dangerous disease, which in the absence of timely treatment therapy can lead to the following complications in the patient's condition:

1. Rectal bleeding is the main danger of hemorrhoids. At first, the discharge of blood after an act of defecation will be insignificant, but over time, bleeding can become profuse, which will require urgent hospitalization and surgical treatment.

2. The formation of a blood clot in hemorrhoidal nodes is also considered an equally dangerous complication. In this state, blood clots will clog the nodes that have fallen and lead to thrombosis. This, in turn, can give impetus to the development of necrosis of certain areas of the intestine. Treatment of a blood clot can only be surgical.

3. Paraproctitis is a condition in which a person has purulent inflammation of the tissues in the area of ​​hemorrhoidal nodes. It is important to know that if paraproctitis is not eliminated, that the inflammation spreads to nearby tissues, which threatens the formation of a fistula and an even greater risk to the patient's life.

4. Anemia can develop due to frequent loss of blood.

5. Pinching of the fallen nodes threatens the death of tissues and terrible pain.

To reduce the risk of developing hemorrhoids, men need to adhere to the following recommendations:

1. With a sedentary profession, it is imperative to take breaks every hour and a light workout.

2. Replace the chair with a harder one.

3. After each act of defecation, wash yourself or at least use wet wipes.

4. You can not exert much strain during bowel movements.

5. Monitor your diet and limit your intake of spicy, fried and oily.

6. Minimize alcohol consumption.

7. Do not overwork physically.

8. Enrich your diet with foods containing fiber (vegetables and fruits).


Watch the video: Hemorrhoid Removal Hemorrhoidectomy (June 2024).