Children's room as an important element in the development of the child


The problem of “children’s” is only part of the big problem of total defects in education, upbringing and attitudes towards children. And talking in isolation about technical things, about where to hang the horizontal bar, and where the portrait of Little Red Riding Hood is pointless. We are only writing about “children's” rooms, but still here, up to the size of the stool and the direction the table should look, the question still arises: what do we want from our children?

I must say right away that I am turning only to parents who want to develop their child. This is a keyword. The key word could be HAPPINESS. It sounds great, but the decoding is foggy. The key word is QUIET (and will) is not in the zone of my interest.


This means the path to knowledge and the path to creativity. And above all, this movement.

The average child in Russia begins to crawl at six and a half to seven months. From this moment, he can explore the world. If this is a record, then it is very relative. According to the theory of the American children's doctor Glenn Doman, the child should begin to crawl immediately after he is bandaged and the umbilical cord is treated. Children, with this approach, add to the crawl every day, by three months safely crawl around the rooms and already know life very well. Despite the fact that most of their colleagues lie swaddled in very beautiful bows and look at the lampshade bulb. These are the two poles of the pedagogical approach: 45 minutes and seven months. DEVELOPMENT AND QUIET. We must admit right away that from birth to the graduation class, the supporters of PEACE are in our latitudes full winners!

Keeping children in a straitjacket is very convenient. They interfere less in childhood, and in the future will also not be violators of the existing world order. Unfortunately, they only grow creatively barren. Well done! Costs.

To defeat a child, we must catastrophically deprive him of the ability to move. And we are doing very well!

Today's organization of kindergartens, nurseries, kindergartens and schools is still the same dense swaddling of children. Rest It makes no sense to change school and society. For an adult to live a full life, he should be given full opportunities in childhood. And this task remains to be solved by the parents themselves, not to be delegated to anyone.

Therefore, planning a children's room is not a problem of an art-industrial school and home design courses - this is precisely the most acute problem of pedagogy. Your task is to transfer the development of the mind, the transfer of information about the world, and physical perfection to your home.

By definition, an urban child lacks traffic.

Today's city apartment does not give the opportunity to MOVE, and in order to give the child this opportunity, it is necessary to create specially thought-out nurseries in the apartment. From birth, children's rooms should provide the child with timely (that is, “early”) development.

There is a major defect that unites all children's rooms under the roof. They are designed to live life on the floor. On this floor are various devices for two-minute use. After that, the horizontal bar and rings, swing and rope, stairs and trapeze rest for a day. They are not in danger of depreciation!

Do you know what is the worst in nurseries in which life takes place on the floor? On the floor you become too easy for adults to catch. From the floor you can be forced to wash your hands or go read. And for the girls? Girls are people too, they have their own mysterious life, and they don’t need any adults in this life. You need to have not just “hide and seek” in the closet, but a reality that does not intersect with the world of your family. Such an angelic reality can only be in the air. So that you can live half a day without ever going down.

Children should become horizontal, not vertical. And in a system of horizontal stairs, taut ropes and bridges, routes should be thought out, as on the site of baboons. The passage of these routes, requiring physical exertion and dexterity, very soon becomes automatism, but this is a constant steady load that transforms the child.

Your children's room should be such an exceptional phenomenon that you will carry with you through your whole life. There must be options for interesting games in which fantasy develops - this remains in the adult.

Even in the most expensive and sleek house, the nursery should fall out of the general style, this should not be shy: if you do not have a barn, if you do not have the attic of Timur and his team, then you still have to expand your ideas about the beautiful and get acquainted with the nurseries that the child likes to live in.

For the smallest, the nursery begins on the day when the child is discharged from the hospital, and then she goes up into the air. Children’s is a crawl track from the first days of life. This is a bed, which is not a prison, and you can get out of it for about eight months. This is a floor with different levels, this is a dozen devices that spin, ring, shine, this is a training wallpaper, starry sky on the ceiling, Swedish walls turning into handles, grids of thick ropes on the wall and so on.

Somewhere in 2 years, you can spread the future nursery at the floor and gradually begin to rise. All possible movements should be worked out for months at each of the heights. Elements of the nursery should be inherently able to change their function.

There is a terrible problem of sedentary children, from which both children and parents suffer. And parents should create nurseries in which even the most unwilling to move children begin to be active and develop in a timely manner.

Article provided by LLC Early start.

Early start - unique sports and game complexes for the physical development of children from birth - are used in five different positions, do not require fastening, can be installed both at home and on the street. They allow children to move in volume (or horizontally), can be supplemented by a large set of gaming and sports accessories that will turn classes into an exciting game.
