October 21: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays October 21 (Old Style October 8th)

The third Sunday of October in our country is traditionally given to food industry workers to celebrate their professional holiday. From the epoch of the existence of the USSR, cooks, technologists, employees of public catering enterprises, agricultural processing plants, etc. are honored on this day. The care of daily bread at all times is paramount. Professionals play a big role in improving the quality of manufactured products, increasing their assortment, etc. It is food industry workers who decide today the issue of food safety, which has been an acute concern for mankind in recent decades.

On this day, the builders of highways and bridges will celebrate their professional holiday for 14 times. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the last Sunday of October, congratulations are received by people who work in the road sector, the largest segment of the public domain of Russia. Nearly 750 thousand people use their strength in this industry. Complex road facilities ensure the reliability of highways between cities, thereby making it possible to communicate between different regions of the country. An important role is played by national projects. Lively production has dramatically increased the fleet of cars and vehicles. Today, road construction faces enormous challenges - to meet the transportation needs of even the most inaccessible facilities.

This scarecrow with a bottle of schnapps symbolizes gratitude to nature for the harvest. 2 weeks before the holiday, a scarecrow of Kirmes is buried in the ground, and on this day they solemnly dig out, and during the festive parade they place it on a tree, dress up and celebrate a lavish worship around it. Then the festivities begin. The next day, the graves of relatives are visited. On the third day, the stuffed animal is again buried until the next year.

Weekends falling around these numbers in England are traditionally dedicated to apples. This annual event in honor of the most common fruit in the world has been held at the initiative of Common Ground (an English charity) since 1990. Local sights are honored with apples, believing that the apple is a symbol of culture and genetic diversity. On this day, you can try hundreds of varieties, even those that are grown only in nurseries and are not sold in stores. The celebration is attended by an identification service that determines the variety and type of fruit. Many dishes with apples are also offered - pies, jam, juice, cider. The competition for the longest strip when peeling is interesting.

For France, the aroma of roasted chestnuts in the second half of October became familiar. Gastronomic holidays and festivals in France are traditional; there are more than a dozen of them in the world. For the French, a sense of taste is not just words; they pay a lot of attention to his education from childhood. A certain variety of chestnuts grown in France - cougurdons, is considered national. Roasted French chestnuts - a pleasure incomparable to anything. This holiday begins a week of taste, followed by the holidays of spices, cider and fish.

Tryphon and Pelagia

On this day, the memory of two saints counted among the elect of the Lord is celebrated: Tryphon of Vyatka and Pelagius of Antioch. Trifon dreamed about the life of a monk from childhood. He was born in the Arkhangelsk province, but after leaving the house he went to Perm and took tonsure at the monastery. After a long serious illness, he discovered the miraculous properties. Tryphon has become even more distant from people, so as not to arouse envy. On the Chusovskaya River, he built a new monastery. Pelagia lived in the 5th century, was unusually beautiful and slutty, danced and was a harlot. Having adopted Christianity, she became chaste and handed out her property to the poor, took monastic tonsure, and pretended to be a man until the end of her days. These days the peasants devote their preparations for winter. Warm clothes were prepared, sheepskin coats and felt boots were repaired. Cucumbers and cabbage were sent to Pelagia and Tryphon in an original way: barrels were lowered into an ice-hole, where cold non-freezing water played the role of a modern refrigerator. In the fields that day, a forest was cut and burned to expand their holdings by spring.

October 21, 1522 Magellan Fernan discovered the strait named after him

It was Magellan, sailing with his expedition across the ocean, called it Pacific. The expedition lasted 3 years, during which time the team suffered many adventures. Out of 265 people and 5 ships, only one ship with 18 people on board returned to Spain. The captain of the expedition himself died, and having managed to bring good news to his homeland - a strait was found for the speediest passage to India and Indonesia (spice islands)! Magellan himself invented the alarm system, according to which all the ships were in command, never once separated. In winter, three ships revolted, demanding to turn towards their homeland. The rebellion was suppressed, and in the summer a strait was discovered. The first ship was lost, sent for reconnaissance to the rocky shores, but people escaped. On October 21, 1520, the ship of Magellan entered the strait. Magellan himself died in the internecine struggle of the rulers on the islands that were called the Philippine. It was the world's first round-the-world trip that turned the idea of ​​science in the 16th century.

October 21, 1805 - Battle of Trafalgar

This historic naval battle at Cape Trafalgar on the coast of Spain. It was attended by the British and the French-Spanish naval forces. The English squadron was commanded by Horatio Nelson. This was the main naval confrontation of the 19th century, when the predominant Franco-Spanish fleet was defeated by the British under the command of Nelson. At the same time, England was able to save its ships, and the opposing side lost 22 units. Nelson himself was mortally wounded in the spine, and the commander of the French flotilla Charles Villeneuve was captured. The battle turned the tide of history - Napoleon abandoned his plans in the war against England and turned his forces to Russia and Austria.

October 21, 1994 - Establishment of the Tefi Prize by the Russian Academy of Motion Picture Arts

The symbol of the award was the Orpheus figurine made by the famous Russian sculptor E. Unknown. Orpheus, playing on the strings of his soul, symbolizes the highest contribution to the development of modern cinema. The Academy of Russian Television (ART) Foundation presented the first statuettes to Vladimir Pozner and Arina Sharapova. Before this, the prize was posthumously awarded to Vladislav Listyev.

October 21, 2004 - institution of the Alexander Solzhenitsyn Prize

The prize is awarded for the best literary works in Russian in different genres. The prize can only be received by one person, with rare exceptions it can be divided in half. The first award was presented to the creators of the film "Idiot", (directed by Vladimir Bortko).

October 21, 1833 - Alfred Nobel, Swedish inventor, founder of the Nobel Prize

A resident of Stockholm and a citizen of Sweden, Alfred Bernhard Nobel, for the first time, has patented a new explosive called dynamite. He opened several factories to produce his invention. By mistake, the newspaper wrote about his death. Comments about him as a merchant of death and a dynamite king, a villain of a global scale, struck Nobel, and he made a will, according to which he awarded the prize to any person who made a significant contribution to the development of science. The whole great fortune was intended for the presentation of the annual Nobel Prize. One of the new chemical elements - nobelium - was named in his honor.

October 21, 1945 - Nikita Mikhalkov, Russian actor and director.

Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov is a recognized master of the acting and director genre. His famous films - Burnt by the Sun, Twelve, Urga - Territory of Love, and the Siberian Barber only secured him the glory of the famous director and actor, who accompanied him from the first movie roles (Twelve Angry Men, “Good day at the end of the war.”) It has many awards, State Prizes of Russia and Kazakhstan.

October 21, 1949 - Benjamin Netanyahu Israeli Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu is the leader of the Likud party, a former military man. He is famous in the world community for his anti-terrorism policies and activities. In his country, he developed an anti-crisis program and, since 2007, has successfully implemented it as the Prime Minister of Israel.

October 21, 1843 - Samuel Coleridge, critic and philosopher, English romantic poet,

Being seriously healed by history and philosophy in his youth, Samuel Coldridge became famous in a completely different direction. He formed the "Lake School" - a trend in poetry, a creative direction in which the transition from reality to fantasy took place so imperceptibly that the reader cannot understand the boundaries of the transition and distinguish reality and fiction. The abuse of opium contributed to such creativity.

October 21, 1896 - Eugene Schwartz, puppet playwright

He has written over 20 plays for the puppet theater and scripts for many films. Underwood, Treasure, The Naked King, Little Red Riding Hood, The Snow Queen, The Shadow - plays for the Youth Theater. “Cinderella”, “Ordinary Miracle”, “Don Quixote”, “First Grader” - film scripts.

October 21, 1918 - Mikhail Shura-Bura, patriarch of national programming

The scientific biography of Mikhail Shura-Bora reflects the most important features of the development of systemic and applied programming. He was the project manager for Strela’s nuclear explosion energy calculation programs.

On this day, the owners of such names can celebrate their name day:
Vasily, Victor, Vladimir, Dmitry, Elizabeth, Ivan, Maria, Nadezhda, Nikolay, Pavel, Pelageya, Pavel, Taisiya.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).