Baby care: how to bathe a newborn baby. How to bathe a newborn for the first time: step by step instructions (video)


After the birth of the long-awaited child, young parents often face confusion.

Looking at how the doctors skillfully treated their baby, they can’t really do anything on their own at first.

A bathing procedure is associated with something transcendent, although it is important enough for a new family member.

How to bathe a newborn baby: what is needed for this

Regardless of whether the first bathing of the baby or the next is to be carried out by the parents, such a process requires careful preparation. Since such an action will be carried out regularly, it makes sense to stock up on all the necessary things to simplify the procedure. To bathe a newborn you will need:

• Bath. For the sake of economy or from other motives, modern parents often spend bathing a baby in a regular bath, having previously cleaned it. However, it will be much more convenient for both the baby and parents to do this in a special bath designed for these purposes. In addition, there are many varieties: with a slide, of classical shape, anatomical structure, with thickened sides.

• A thermometer for measuring water temperature is an attribute that is definitely indispensable for the first time. Over time, the skill to determine it without a thermometer will develop, but at first it will become very useful. The optimum temperature for bathing children is from 36.6 to 37 ° C.

• A lounger for a baby is a fairly inexpensive and affordable device, due to which the likelihood of a child slipping in the bathroom is minimized. And so that the delicate skin of the newborn does not rub, it is necessary to put natural tissue under his back.

• Bucket for water - thanks to it, you can quickly and comfortably wash the soap foam from his little body. It’s good if the bucket is bright and light.

• Bathing products - here you can include baby soap, shampoo, washcloth or mitt of minimum hardness, powder, baby cream and oil.

• Towel - it is better to purchase a special attribute for babies with a bent corner. You need to prepare a diaper, which is useful at the time of putting on the diaper.

• Cotton pads and sticks are needed to clean the baby’s ears and nose and wipe his face.

How to bathe a newborn for the first time when carrying out the procedure

In the first months of life, namely 6 months, a newborn should be bathed every day. It is best to make a daily routine and take the same time every day for swimming. So the baby will be able to get used to hygiene procedures and respond positively to them. It is better to devote evening time for such an action, since warm water has a calming and relaxing effect on the baby's body. She is also able to increase the appetite of the child, so you should not bathe the children immediately after eating. After the bath, the baby will eat with great appetite and will be able to fall asleep in a sound and calm sleep.

There is an opinion among young parents that the sooner you begin to carry out hygienic actions for your child, the sooner he will get used to them. However, we should not forget that bathing a newborn should not be earlier than two weeks of his life. His umbilical wound may not heal for a long time.

The fact that bathing a child for the first 14 days cannot be at all does not mean that he does not need to be looked after. The baby's skin will need hygiene procedures, however, without the use of water. How to do it? You can moisten a sponge in water at the right temperature and wipe the baby's body.

One should refrain from bathing a newborn for a day even if he was vaccinated the day before.

How to bathe a newborn for the first time: the duration of the procedure

The first bath of a newborn baby should not last long. Such a moment can lead to stress in the baby, which is strictly contraindicated for him. Bath procedures should cause positive emotions and be associated with a joyful event, so the habituation process should occur gradually.

The optimal time for the first swim is considered to be 3 minutes. With each new bath, this time must be gradually increased until the figure of 15 minutes is reached. Exceeding this number is not recommended, the main reason for this is the cooling of water.

To instill a baby’s love of bathing, you must certainly play with him, discuss your actions out loud and give a smile. Pre-learned bathing tricks or songs will benefit.

How to bathe a newborn baby: the choice of funds and supplements

To facilitate the process of bathing newborns, current manufacturers produce means for bathing babies in colorful packaging. However, the choice should be approached with special care, so as not to accidentally harm the delicate skin of the baby.

To swim safely, do not use household, antibacterial, or any ordinary soap. For adults, they are ideal, but for the vulnerable microflora of a newborn, they can be destructive, causing allergies or redness.

Therefore, the first rule of safe swimming is the selection of special children's products. There are specialized stores for this, but they are not difficult to find in pharmacies.

Often parents are interested in how to properly use baby cosmetics. Its aroma is practically not expressed, and on the packaging it is often written "does not cause tears." Therefore, you can not worry about the comfort of the baby during the bathing procedure.

Detergents should be applied with soft smooth movements that should embody calm. Indeed, during bathing, the state of the parents is transferred to the baby. Rinse off the foam also thoroughly so that the skin of the newborn can breathe cleanliness and freshness.

When collecting a bath for a baby, you can use some additives.Many young mothers believe that adding herbs to the baby bath will positively affect the skin condition of the newborn and its general condition. In part, this method is effective, but you should not experiment at your own discretion, but rather consult a pediatrician.

Sea salt added to the bath well affects the skin of a newborn. It will have a calming effect on his body and will remind you of the times in the mother’s womb.

Some parents use coniferous solution to bathe their children to eliminate the baby's anxiety. Herbal preparations, which are sold in pharmacies, can be effectively used to eliminate skin problems of infants.

After any bathing with the use of additives, do not forget that the baby needs to be rinsed with clean water.

Self-care for the baby: how to bathe a newborn for the first time

Many young parents, returning home with the baby, are often asked when to start bathing, how to bathe a newborn baby and how to carry it out correctly and safely for the baby. It should be noted that kids are very fond of water.

The most important thing is to check the umbilical wound. If it has not healed, then the child cannot be bathed, but can only be wiped with wet wipes until healing, since the infection can get even when bathing in boiled water. When everything is okay with your belly button, you can start bathing your baby. Step by Step Actions:

1. First, draw warm water into the bath. It is better to lower the baby into it in a diaper, gradually getting wet, it will make it easier to get used to the temperature of the water.

2. To prevent the child from slipping, support him behind the armpit that is farthest from you. This is worth doing even if you use a hammock or slide.

3. It is better to wash the child’s body from neck to legs, only then wash the baby’s head.

4. Finishing bathing, the newborn should be washed with a little cooler water.

5. After bathing, so that the baby does not catch a cold, you need to use a prepared large towel.

In many newborn babies, the back of the head is covered with a small yellowish crust. Therefore, after bathing, the place where it is needed should be lubricated with a baby cream with a fat composition. After the crust softens, it needs to be combed out with gentle, gentle movements. Then the baby’s head must be wiped with hydrogen peroxide. If such a procedure causes damage to the surface layer of the scalp, then the remaining cream should be removed and the procedure be postponed until the next bath.


Watch the video: Instructional Videos for New Moms - Bathing Your Baby (July 2024).