Sponge cake - the best recipes. How to cook sponge cake correctly and tasty.


Sponge cake - general principles and methods of preparation

Even with today's variety of recipes, biscuit cake remains one of the most beloved holiday treats that make up the golden fund of culinary art. To make a biscuit dough, beat the eggs with sugar and gradually add flour to this mass. Sometimes part of the flour is replaced with starch to give sponge cake splendor. Yolks can be whipped separately from proteins. Very popular recipes for biscuit dough, in which pieces of nuts or pieces of fruit are added.

Sponge Cake - Food Preparation

As we have already said, eggs, sugar and flour are used to make a classic biscuit. To make the biscuit, you must use pre-chilled eggs, while the capacity for whipping should also be cold. Before use, flour should be sieved at least three times. This is necessary for its saturation with oxygen, then the dough will turn out soft and magnificent. Sugar can be pre-crushed into powder, then it is easier to grind it with eggs or beat.

Another important point: dishes in which eggs are beaten with sugar should be clean and always dry.

Sponge Cake - The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Sponge Cake - A Classic Recipe

What can be compared with the aroma of freshly baked biscuit, cooked according to the classic recipe? Only its divine taste!


6 eggs;
1 cup flour;
1 cup of sugar;
sunflower oil
a pinch of salt

Cooking method

1. Having covered the baking dish with parchment paper, grease its bottom with sunflower oil.

2. Separating the proteins from the yolks, rub the yolks with white sugar (it is better to use a wooden spoon for this) until the sugar is completely dissolved. After adding a pinch of salt to the cooled proteins, beat them to a state of cool foam.

3. Add proteins to the yolks (you need to mix them gently, from bottom to top); then add the flour, also gently mixing.

4. When the dough is ready, immediately pour it into a mold, put it in a warm oven and bake a biscuit at a temperature of 200º for about 15 minutes. Then, reducing the temperature to 180º, bake for about 20 minutes. After that, turning off the oven and opening the door, hold the biscuit in it for about 10 minutes and take it out.

5. Cutting the finished cake layer lengthwise into 2 parts, grease it with the selected cream (custard, butter, cottage cheese) and decorate with glaze, or fresh fruit, berries, marmalade, etc. You can soak the cake with syrup.

Recipe 2: Honey Sponge Cake

Description: a very delicate sponge cake with a pronounced honey taste, decorated with a light sour cream.


For the test:

50 gr honey;
2 eggs;
150 gr. sour cream;
150 gr. softened butter;
400 gr. flour;
a bag of vanilla sugar;
1 tsp ammonia
a pinch of salt;

for glaze:

150 gr. refined sugar;
6 tbsp. l water;
0.5 lemons;
powdered sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Beat the eggs well and mix them with honey, butter, sour cream, ammonium and salt. Gently pouring flour, knead a thin dough and, covering it with a napkin, stand for about half an hour.

2. Bake a biscuit in prepared form in a medium-heated oven for about half an hour.

3. While biscuit is baking, prepare the icing. After mixing refined sugar with water, cook the mixture over high heat until a thick syrup is obtained. Then, adding lemon juice and powdered sugar into it, cook the mixture until a thick and shiny glaze is obtained.

4. The finished biscuit is cooled and cut into horizontal layers. Having layered the cake with fruit or berry jam, we decorate its top and sides with icing.

Recipe 3: Fruit Assorted Sponge Cake

Inside this light biscuit there are juicy orange slices, its top is decorated with slices of kiwi, and as a layer there are cherries. It is easy to imagine how tasty, beautiful and healthy this dish turns out!


For the test:

7 eggs
1 cup flour;
1 tbsp. a spoonful of potato starch;
200 gr. Sahara;
on the tip of a teaspoon of vanillin

For the filling and cream:

2 cups sour cream
2 cups pitted cherries;
1 orange
150 gr. Sahara;
50 gr chopped walnuts;
2 kiwis.

Cooking method:

1. Separate the yolks from the proteins. Putting aside 1 tbsp. l sugar for whipping proteins, rub the yolks with the rest until the sugar dissolves, and the mass does not increase several times.

2. Beat the whites in a strong foam, gradually adding a spoonful of sugar to them (to give the necessary strength). Separate most of them, mix with mashed yolks and carefully pour the flour into which you need to add starch and vanillin first.

3. Add the remaining protein mass to the resulting mass and mix until smooth.

4. In a mold greased with oil and sprinkled with flour, put 3/4 of the prepared dough, on top of which carefully place the orange slices. After that, lay out the rest of the dough, slightly level the top.

5. Bake a biscuit in the oven, heated to 180 ° C, for about an hour. When it is ready, remove from the oven and leave for several hours on a breathing surface (wood or fabric).

6. Beat sugar with sour cream to a creamy state.

6. Cut the biscuit lengthwise into 2 parts, put cherries on the bottom and cover them with the cream obtained, put the second part on top.

7. Covering the top and sides of the cake with sour cream, decorate the cake with cherries and chopped into thin slices of kiwi, sprinkle with nuts. Be sure to leave the cake for 6 hours for impregnation.

Sponge Cake - Useful Tips from Experienced Cookers

When baking a biscuit, it is important to observe the temperature regime. Recommended temperature is from 180 ° C to 200 ° C. If it is higher, a crust may form on the surface of the biscuit, which will prevent the removal of moisture, then the product will turn out to be fragile and will settle after cooling.

When baking, the biscuit mold cannot be shaken so that the mass does not compact and settle. For the first 15 minutes of baking, it’s better to leave it alone and not move it, or better not to open the oven at all.

How much do you need to bake a biscuit? Baking time is determined by the thickness of the finished cake. When baking a biscuit for a cake, when its thickness is about 4 cm, it can be up to 50 minutes, when baking a biscuit for a roll (about 1 cm thick) - up to 15 minutes.

How to determine the availability of products? You can do this with a wooden stick, puncture it with a biscuit. If it does not stick, the biscuit is ready. Also, the readiness of the biscuit can be judged by the color of the crust and the elasticity of the product (by pressing a finger on the unbaked biscuit, you can notice a hole).

Many cooks advise not to separate the whites from the yolks, but to whip them together when preparing the biscuit dough. In this way, biscuit settling can be prevented.


Alfia 07/26/2016
Thanks for the recipe! Very tasty cake turned out!
