September 13: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on September 13th.


Holidays September 13

Hairdresser's day

The oldest profession of a master of combs and scissors, people are more likely to be art than crafts, in Russia, there are more than 200 thousand people. In addition to the trading day, hairdressers decided to celebrate their own holiday, although its origins are unknown. Over 70 thousand hairdressing salons, beauty salons are located throughout the country, and new ones are constantly appearing. Over the millennium, the history of barbers, starting from Ancient Egypt, has never been interrupted. Even in those days, hairdressers combing Egyptian women had scissors-like appliances and various types of combs and hair combs.

Official Programmer's Day in Russia

According to the plan, the symbol contains a symbol - this is 256 days of the year, that is, the number of integers is expressed by an eight-bit byte, in addition, this is the maximum degree of 2 less than 365 (the number of days in a year). Mathematicians and programmers can find other symbols among 256, but the main thing is that now they celebrate this day by joining programmers all over the world. This holiday has acquired national significance and status. The fruits of the work of programmers at every step, ranging from ordinary radio, and ending with household appliances, electronic devices.

Romanian grape festival

Like the Romans, Romanians also celebrated the grape harvest. The celebrations are dedicated to the future harvest, to the sound of songs young strong young men pressed grapes on wine, in ancient times on this day slaves could even scold the owner and drink a lot of wine, but they could not be punished. In Romania, grapes have been grown for more than 3,000 years, and today more than 7 million liters of wine are produced in the country. A real national holiday begins with a tub with nutmeg placed at the door of the cellar, and everyone can appreciate the taste of the wine and its quality.

Folk calendar 13 september

Crane Veche, Kupriyan's Day

Saint Cyprian of Carthage lived in the 3rd century. The skilled theologian became famous for his sermons, writing essays on issues of apostasy, and created the canonical doctrine of the unity of the church. And he grew up in a pagan society, starting his career as a lawyer. After being baptized, he was elected bishop. During the time of persecution of Christians, Cyprian did not renounce his faith and was executed. The first African bishop accepted the martyrdom and was counted among the saints.

On Kupriyan, cranes are knocked together in wedges for flying to warmer climes - that’s the second name of the holiday - the Cranes. They say that the birds in the swamp arrange a meeting and mark the way to distant lands. Peasants collect cranberries on this day, before this time they were not allowed to go to the swamps, otherwise the girl could become barren. It is necessary to wait until the cranberries blaze red - that is, it has not fully ripened. The largest cranberry will be born in the crane. In addition, the day was devoted to harvesting root crops - turnips, carrots, beets, and most importantly - digging potatoes ("Potato - sucker bread", "Potato - second bread").

Historical events of September 13

September 13, 1741 - In the Russian Empire, a "factory regulation" was issued, which limited the working day to 15 hours. The signing of this document was initiated by Minich, who served as minister during the reign of the young empress Anna Leopoldovna. The restriction of the working day by the state in Russia occurred about a century earlier than in other European countries, where people started work one hour before sunrise and finished one hour after sunset.

The Factory Regulation also established a minimum wage of 18 rubles, in addition, manufacturers were required to organize favorable working conditions at work - heating, lighting and a hospital. By the way, leaders were allowed to practice corporal punishment, only without the use of a whip.

September 13, 1812 - In Fili, a fateful decision was made to leave Moscow to the advancing army of Napoleon during the Patriotic War of 1812. Russian troops without a fight left the city to gather strength and deliver a crushing blow to the enemy a little later.

September 13, 1849 - the great Russian writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol finished his journey through the Holy Land and came to Moscow, where he settled down, and this is where an outstanding writer died.

September 13, 1983 - the well-known musical group "Accident" was created, the participants of which were Valdis Pelsh and Alexei Kortnev. At first, the group pleased the metropolitan audience, then began touring in various republics of the Soviet Union.

Born on September 13

Sergey Nikolaevich Vinogradsky (1856 - 1953) - an outstanding Russian microbiologist

Sergey Vinogradsky is the founder of the ecology of microorganisms, he also did a great job in soil microbiology. His first achievements - the discovery and description of chemosynthesis - the possibility of obtaining energy during the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide. The scientist proposed his scientific research at the Institute of Hygiene in Zurich. Working in it, he was able to develop his achievements and isolate nitrifying bacteria, then the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Clostridium pasterianum. He studied the plague, issues of agriculture and soil science. Sergei Nikolayevich, being in exile, was elected an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences, and this was the only case at that time.

John Boynton Priestley (1894-1984) - English playwright and writer

John Priestley began his career as a journalist. After World War I, he devoted himself entirely to writing. The first works of it were immediately noticed by readers - "Good Friends", "Dangerous Turn", "Angel Street". He himself directed his plays, directed two theaters in London and wrote topical publications in magazines. One of the author’s latest novels is Farbridge Festival, Inspector’s Visit, and Dr. Salt Leaves.

Jacqueline Bisset (1944) - English and Hollywood actress

Dreaming of a ballerina career, Jacqueline was able to first prove herself as a model, then decided to storm Hollywood. Almost immediately received a role in the film "Detective", she played with the famous Frank Sinatra. Then there was the role of Josephine, Napoleon’s sweetheart, the erotic Wild Orchid, Anna Karenina, the ballerina in The Fine Art of Love. The soft and sexy beauty turned out to be very popular. Recent projects of the actress - television project "Parts of the body."

Roald dahl (1916 -1990 years) - English writer

The most famous work is the fairy tale Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Dahl has Norwegian roots, and even his name was in honor of the famous Norwegian Roald Amundsen, echoes of the rich spirit and history of the country are heard in his tales. The first story of Gremlins was published during the war years. At that time, Dahl served in the army as a fighter pilot. His style is a paradoxical story; several films have been shot based on his works. About the service in the army tell the works "Flying Alone", an autobiographical novel "Boy".

Alexander Rosenbaum (1951) - performer of copyright songs

A doctor by profession, Rosenbaum first worked as an ambulance and did not think about a solo career. The famous artist came to the author’s song on the example of the famous singer Vladimir Vysotsky, in 1974 becoming a guitarist in the group "Argonauts". This was a hobby, because after a piano school of music, Rosenbaum independently studied guitar. At the end of the jazz school, he got the skills of arranging and made a choice in favor of music. Having become an artist of the Lenconcert, he toured a lot, and then began to give concerts of his own songs. "Waltz-Boston", "Duck Hunt", songs about Afghanistan are known to everyone who loves the author's song.

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya (1923 - 1941) - Soviet partisan

Zoya was one of 200 volunteers who attended the training camp of a sabotage school. The training was only three days, and Zoya was delivered to the areas of Volokolamsk captured by the enemy. After Stalin issued a decree calling for a partisan movement, partisans destroyed equipment and buildings, undermined bridges, burned down settlements in the areas where the Nazis were based. Zoe received a similar task, and in the process of execution was captured by the Germans. After torture, she was executed. The entire group suffered losses, most of its members died, but the descendants will always remember the feat of the partisans.

Name Day September 13

Name day celebrate: Kupriyan, Gennady, Mikhail, Dmitry.


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