Belarusian draniki - this is potato! Recipes of various Belarusian pancakes: classic, with minced meat, mushrooms, garlic


Draniki are potato pancakes that are very popular in Eastern European countries. It is believed that the homeland of the dish is Belarus.

This is where you can find hundreds of recipes for potato pancakes.

Have a taste?

Belarusian potato pancakes - general principles of preparation

Potatoes for the dish are peeled, rubbed. Usually use a fine grater. But for the taste and adhesion of the mass, sometimes part of the tubers is turned into large chips. Potato starch binds mass, but sometimes it is not enough. Therefore, in many recipes, chicken eggs are found.

What else is put in the potato mass:

• flour;

• spices;

• garlic, onions, carrots;

• greenery.

The resulting dough is picked up with a large spoon, spread in a frying pan with heated oil, fried until golden brown. Readiness is determined at the edges of the tortillas. As soon as they turn brown, it's time to turn over the potato pancake or shoot.

Sorcerers are very popular in Belarus - potato pancakes with filling. Potato pancakes of this type are prepared with meat, mushroom, vegetable mincemeat. The dish is also fried in a pan, the formation of the product occurs during the process immediately on a hot surface. A little lower there are recipes for Belarusian sorcerers with minced meat and mushroom.

Belarusian pancakes without eggs

The recipe for simple Belarusian potato pancakes. Only vegetables are used for them. Lean dish, suitable for a vegetarian diet. To prevent products from disintegrating during frying, tubers are rubbed in different ways.


• 8 potatoes;

• onion;

• salt pepper;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• frying oil.


1. Peel the potatoes. We rub half coarsely. We rub the second part on the smallest grater. This is necessary so as not to add eggs.

2. Chop the onion finely, add to the potatoes.

3. Pour the recipe flour, put the pepper and salt, you can add a little garlic to taste.

4. Stir the potato dough.

5. Heat the oil.

6. Fry potato pancakes. We spread thin pancakes with a spoon, cook until golden brown, turn over and fry the other side.

Belarusian pancakes with eggs and carrots

A more familiar version of Belarusian potato pancakes. An egg is used to hold the mass together, carrot is added for taste and beautiful color.


• 6 potatoes;

• 1 carrot;

• 1 onion;

• 1 egg;

• 2-3 tablespoons of flour;

• spices.


1. Vegetables need to be peeled.

2. Rub the potatoes and carrots finely. Add chopped onion.

3. Break the egg into the dough, pour flour and spices. We look at the density. If the potatoes are juicy and the mass is liquid, you can pour a little more flour.

4. Spread potato pancakes on a heated frying pan with oil, fry until tender.

Belarusian draniki with minced meat (sorcerers)

A meat version of a dish in which you can add any minced meat: beef, pork, chicken. It turns out tasty if the product is with the addition of bacon. Stuffing is a filling in this dish.


• 7 potatoes;

• 150 g minced meat;

• spices;

• 2 eggs;

• 1 small onion head;

• butter;

• 2-3 tablespoons of flour.


1. Take a bowl, put in it the meat or chicken, add a pinch of salt, various spices to your taste.

2. Chop the onion finely, add to the minced meat. Stir.

3. Grate potatoes finely, add 0.3 tsp to it. salt, beat the eggs, sprinkle flour. Stir the dough thoroughly with a spoon until smooth.

4. Heat the oil in a thick-bottomed pan. Set the fire moderate, otherwise draniki will not bake.

5. Spoon thin potato cakes with a spoon.

6. Immediately put a little stuffing of minced meat on them.

7. Top the filling with a potato mass, minced meat should not be visible.

8. As soon as the sorcerers are browned, they must be turned to the other side and brought to full readiness. If in doubt about baking, cover the pan with a lid for a few minutes.

Belarusian pancakes with mushrooms

Another version of stuffed pancakes. For minced meat, forest mushrooms are used. The recipe indicates the amount of boiled product.


• 1.2 kg of potatoes;

• 180 g boiled mushrooms;

• 2 onion heads;

• spices;

• 2 tablespoons sour cream;

• 3-4 tablespoons of flour;

• 2 eggs;

• 150 ml of oil.


1. Prepare the filling immediately. To do this, chop the chopped onions lightly in a pan, add the chopped mushrooms. Cook until the water has completely evaporated. Then add spices, brown for a minute at maximum heat, let the minced meat cool.

2. Peel the tubers. Rub on the finest grater.

3. Add spices, sour cream and flour to the potato, beat the eggs. Stir. It is better not to add all the flour at once, see by consistency. You may need to sprinkle as the potatoes juice.

4. Put the pancakes in a hot oil, then the mushroom mince and cover with potato dough again.

5. Fry the mushroom sorcerers until a beautiful crust and potatoes are ready. Serve with sour cream.

Belarusian pancakes with soda and sour cream

The recipe for delicious pancakes, which are very similar to pancakes. Sour cream is added to the dough, more flour is added. Many people like this particular version of the dish, as it can be used not only fresh, it tolerates heating well.


• 5 potatoes;

• 50 g sour cream;

• 0.3 tsp soda;

• 5 tablespoons of flour;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• 2 eggs;

• herbs, spices.


1. Beat the sour cream with soda with a fork, let the powder react. Add eggs and salt, stir.

2. Grate peeled potatoes very finely, combine with the bulk.

3. Add flour, squeeze a clove of garlic, pepper, stir.

4. Spread pancakes in hot oil, cook pancakes on one side to a beautiful crust.

5. Turn over, cover, bake a potato dish until cooked.

6. Such pancakes are served simply with sour cream, you can add herbs and fresh garlic, you get a fragrant sauce.

Belarusian pancakes with cheese and garlic

For this potato dish you will need some hard cheese. The product will give dramas not only a special taste, but also a very beautiful crust.


• 8 potatoes;

• 100 g of cheese;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 2 eggs;

• 1 PC. Luke;

• 3 tablespoons of flour;

• oil, spices.


1. Peel the potatoes, the same with the onion head.

2. Grind vegetables. You can skip the tubers and onions through a meat grinder.

3. Break the eggs, put chopped garlic, pour salt, pepper. Stir the mass.

4. Add finely grated cheese. Do not sprinkle the entire product at once, lay gradually so that it does not crumple.

5. Fry ordinary pancakes in oil. Serve rosy pancakes from potatoes with sour cream.

Belarusian pancakes with bacon

To prepare such pancakes, you can take salted or smoked bacon. But if a fresh slice was littered in the freezer, then you can use it. Add meat in the same way with the dough, it turns out very tasty.


• 7 potatoes;

• 120 g of fat;

• 1 onion head;

• 4 tablespoons of flour;

• 1 egg;

• 0.5 tsp salts;

• 0.2 tsp pepper;

• frying oil.


1. Twist onion and lard through a meat grinder. Can be chopped in a combine. The mass should be shallow. To taste, you can immediately add garlic.

2. Grate peeled tubers, add to the bacon with onions.

3. Pepper, salt, stir well.

4. Add the egg to the mass, pour the flour, stir the potato dough.

5. Heat the oil in a skillet. Pour a layer of about three millimeters.

6. Spread thin pancakes on a hot surface, straighten with a spoon of draniki, so that the thickness is the same.

7. Fry on both sides until cooked, no need to cover the pan.

Belarusian pancakes in the oven

An option for those who can not eat a fried dish or just do not want to stand at the stove. Baked potato pancakes can be made according to any of the recipes, below is the classic Belarusian version.


• 700 g of potatoes;

• 2 onion heads;

• 1 egg;

• 0.5 tsp spice mixtures;

• 1.5 tablespoons of oil.


1. Onions are cut into small cubes or thin straws, thrown into a bowl.

2. Add spices to the onion. You can take the finished mixture for potatoes, remember slightly the vegetable with your hands, you can immediately add salt.

3. Peel the potatoes, grate, add to the onion.

4. Break one egg towards them. Stir. If suddenly the potato will produce a lot of juice, then add a couple of tablespoons of flour to it, stir well.

5. Cover the pan with a silicone mat, parchment or foil. Be sure to oil.

6. Put the neat cakes, about half a centimeter thick.

7. Put in the oven. By this time it should already be warmed up to 200.

8. Prepare potato pancakes until golden on top.

9. Take out the baking sheet, turn the potato pancakes on the other side with a spatula. Lubricate with oil residues, brown.

Belarusian draniki - useful tips and tricks

• Belarusian potato pancakes can be cooked not only with wheat flour. You can add ground oatmeal, corn, buckwheat to the dough. But products with swollen semolina are especially magnificent.

• Draniki left? Cold they are not very tasty. But you can always put potato pancakes in a greased form, pour sour cream, sprinkle with cheese and warm the oven. Delicious casseroles are obtained with the addition of tomatoes, sausages, cheese, meat products and cottage cheese.

• To prevent potato pancakes from falling apart during the cooking process, it is important to use potatoes with a high starch content. Young tubers are not good. If the potato is not starchy, then lay more eggs to hold the mass together.

• Rub potatoes for potato pancakes better on a plastic grater. From metal, shavings are quickly darker, finished products acquire a bluish color.


Watch the video: Easy Meat Stuffed Potato Pancakes Draniki (June 2024).