Hibiscus tea with beneficial properties. Features of brewing hibiscus tea and drink contraindications


Hibiscus drink is a tea familiar to many with a characteristic red tint and sour flavor.

Hibiscus tea is very much appreciated for its beneficial properties and composition rich in medicinal substances.

With the help of a wonderful and aromatic drink, you can not only enjoy a tea party, but also get rid of many ailments that disturb the body.

The chemical composition of hibiscus tea, the beneficial properties of the drink

Hibiscus tea is extracted from hibiscus. Each component of this plant, including leaves, stems, seeds and flowers, is endowed with healing qualities, which are determined by its rich composition. It includes:

• vitamins A, C, P and group B;

• fruit acids, which occupy from 15 to 30% of the hibiscus. These are citric, malic, tartaric, hydroxycitric acids, which have a disinfecting function;

• polysaccharides;

• pectins;

• anthocyanins and alkaloids;

• antioxidant quercetin, which serves as a natural dye of tea in red and has an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antitumor effect on the body;

• bioflavonoids;

• trace elements: sodium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium;

• 13 amino acids, of which 6 are essential.

When brewing a standard amount of tea per 1 cup, the calorie content of such a drink will be less than 1 kcal.

Hibiscus special drink - tea with beneficial properties and healing qualities

The miracle drink Hibiscus stores a huge number of useful properties, ranging from strengthening hair and ending with a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It is the benefits of the components in the composition that determine the value of red tea. Its useful qualities:

1. The leaves of the plant are able to have a diuretic effect, so tea is used to treat diseases of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract.

2. Red broth has an antipyretic, antibacterial and antispasmodic effect on the body.

3. Juice of fresh leaves - raw materials for tea, normalizes menstrual cycle failures.

4. Hibiscus root gives the body a calming and laxative effect.

5. The elixir from hibiscus flowers acts as a powerful aphrodisiac, and is also able to lower blood pressure. Regular consumption of 3 cups of tea per day can lead to an unstable blood pressure.

6. Using hibiscus can cure some stomach diseases, eliminate internal pain in the digestive tract.

7. Red tea calms the nervous system, relieves stress, removes from depressive states.

8. Tea can stimulate hair growth, fight dandruff and contribute to darkening of the hair by several tones. All this is possible due to the unique chemical composition.

9. The richness of the drink with vitamin C is manifested in a reduction in the duration of infectious diseases.

10. The drink is a powerful antioxidant that can fight the development of free radicals that cause cancer.

11. A miraculous drink saves from a hangover and alcohol poisoning.

12. The diuretic function of red tea will be useful for those people who are actively fighting extra pounds. Fruit acids improve metabolism, which positively affects the rate of breakdown of accumulated fats.

13. Storing vitamin C, hibiscus copes with colds. It is important to note the value of anthocyanins, which protect cells from cancerous degeneration and affect the walls of blood vessels, strengthening them.

14. Hibiscus tea can be consumed by people with diabetes, because it lowers cholesterol and triglycerides in the body.

15. The hibiscus plant can be used in inflammatory processes, such as coughing and sore throat, it dilutes and removes sputum from the lungs.

16. Tea manifests itself in the choleretic effect, relieving edema and not affecting the cardiovascular system, which is extremely important.

17. Easily copes with constipation by gently cleansing the intestines and removing heavy salts from it.

Hibiscus drink is a natural and ecological pure “helper”.

It has a tonic and firming effect, which fights oncological diseases, improves digestion, acts as an antiseptic and reduces cholesterol.

Hibiscus tea brewing recipes and the benefits of hot drinking

1. Brewing according to a standard recipe. Need 1 tbsp. l Hibiscus tea leaves pour in a teapot with 2 cups of boiled water and let the drink brew until it turns dark red. Then the liquid must be diluted with two more glasses of water, if desired, you can add honey, mint, ice cubes, cinnamon and other spices.

2. The recipe of the Pharaohs. Such a recipe requires lengthy preparation. It is necessary to fill a portion of the hibiscus petals with 1 liter of cold water and let the liquid stand for 3-4 hours, and preferably all night. Then the tea should be put on low heat, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. It remains only to strain the drink, and you can drink it in any form.

Harm to Hibiscus tea and drink contraindications

Like many other medicinal and medicinal plants, hibiscus tea has contraindications. It can not be used:

• people with hypertension;

• before going for a walk, because of the drink, dizziness may begin in this case;

• pregnant women, as well as during lactation;

• those people who use hormone replacement therapy;

• women who use special pills as a contraceptive. A drink significantly changes the estrogen index;

• patients with gastritis and ulcers, as well as those who have problems with high acidity of the stomach;

• people with chronic kidney diseases should not drink tea, especially during the period of exacerbation of these diseases;

• refuse should be given to people with gallstones and the presence of urolithiasis.

Even if there is no contraindication for hibiscus tea for your body, the daily dosage of the drink should not exceed more than 3 cups.

Special tips for the use of hibiscus tea and contraindications

Tips that come in handy:

1. To preserve the maximum possible number of useful properties of hibiscus tea, it is necessary to brew it with exceptionally cool water. High temperatures, acting on the tea leaves, on the contrary, will take away their healing qualities.

2. To make the drink tasty and aromatic, convey all the useful properties, it must be infused for at least 1 hour.

3. It is best to use ceramic or glassware for making tea. If it is possible to use porcelain, then this will only be a plus. Metal dishes will only spoil the color and taste of tea.

4. Hibiscus benefits the body only when its composition is completely natural. Flavors and artificial sweeteners are not a pleasant addition to the drink. Therefore, you should try to choose tea packaging with whole petals, and bypass powder or packaged formulations.


Watch the video: Drink A Glass Of Hibiscus Tea For 7 Days, THIS Will Happen To Your Body! (July 2024).