Urethral inflammation: causes, symptoms, possible complications. Treatment methods for urethral inflammation


Urethral inflammation is a condition in which the urethra and the urethra itself are severely affected.

This disease can be detected regardless of the gender of the person.

Let us consider in more detail the symptoms of inflammation of the urethra and methods of therapeutic elimination of this unpleasant disease.

Urethral inflammation: causes

Most often, urethritis develops for the following reasons:

1. The defeat of the urethra by various fungal, infectious or bacterial diseases.

2. The defeat of the urethra by diseases that are transmitted sexually (chlamydia, ureplasm, mycoplasma, etc.).

3. The defeat of pathogenic bacteria (E. coli, staphylococcus, streptococcus).

4. A sharp decrease in the immune state of a person, because of which he becomes more susceptible to various diseases of the genitourinary system.

5. Periodic or one-time hypothermia of the body.

6. Excessive exercise.

7. Inflammation of the urethra that occurs after childbirth.

8. Genital trauma (especially for men).

9. Excessively active (traumatic) sex life.

10. Unprotected sexual intercourse and a large number of sexual partners.

11. Progressive urolithiasis.

12. Irregular sexual relationships that lead to stagnation of blood in the pelvis.

13. Improper nutrition (especially the use of spicy and salty).

14. Frequent intake of alcohol-containing drinks.

15. Failures in the mode of urination.

16. Masturbation.

17. The presence of kidney disease.

18. The presence of inflammation in the body.

19. Earlier operations or surgical procedures on the urethra (taking a smear, installing a catheter for urine, etc.).

Urethral inflammation: symptoms and signs

Urethritis can be of two forms: acute and chronic. Each of them has its own characteristics and manifestations.

The acute form of inflammation of the urethra has the following symptoms:

1. Burning and severe itching when urinating.

2. Discomfort during urination.

3. The appearance of white mucous discharge. Also sometimes white flakes may appear in the urine. It all depends on the specific causative agent of the disease.

4. Swelling and redness of the genitals.

5. Frequent urination, which may also be false.

6. An increase in body temperature and all signs of intoxication (weakness and loss of appetite, headache and muscle pain).

7. In a more advanced form of the disease, a person may develop pus from the urethra.

8. The detention of menstruation for several days.

Chronic urethritis has less severe symptoms. Occasionally (during periods of exacerbation), it can cause pain during urination and discomfort in the lower back. Due to the deterioration of the kidneys in humans, blood counts may change.

Urethral inflammation: diagnosis and treatment

When the first signs of inflammation of the urethra appear, women need to contact a gynecologist, and men to a urologist. Also it will not be amiss to visit a venereologist.

To diagnose urethritis, you need to undergo such studies:

1. Taking crops to identify bacteria.

2. General clinical blood and urine tests.

3. Collection of patient symptoms.

4. Examination of the genitals.

5. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

6. Taking gynecological smears in women.

Treatment of inflammation of the urethra is selected for each person individually, depending on the results of the tests, the cause of the pathology and general symptoms of the patient.

Traditional therapy involves the following:

1. The patient during treatment should completely abandon sexual contact.

2. To increase immunity, it is useful to take various combination vitamin preparations.

3. At the time of treatment, the patient is recommended to follow a therapeutic diet. It provides for a complete rejection of alcohol, spicy, fatty and fried. It is best to eat unsalted boiled meat and vegetable dishes. You should also drink plenty of fluids so that the body can quickly overcome the focus of inflammation.

4. If pathogens are detected, the patient is prescribed antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action (Norfloxacin, Azithromycin, etc.).

5. In acute urethritis, local procedures are indicated (administering antibacterial drugs to the urethra).

6. At elevated temperatures, antipyretic drugs are prescribed.

7. For severe pain, the patient is prescribed pain medication and drugs to improve the functioning of the kidneys based on herbs.

8. Water sessile baths with the addition of decoctions of herbs (calendula, chamomile, knotweed) are considered very effective. These components have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, so they will help to quickly eliminate pain and infection.

9. Ten days after the start of therapy, the patient needs to re-take smears and conduct other diagnostic measures. If bacteria are not detected, then antibiotics can be stopped.

If the infection is still developing, then the patient needs to cancel the current drugs and replace them with analogues with a stronger effect.

10. At the end of treatment, the patient must for one month refuse sexual intercourse in order to be able to control his condition and not to catch the infection again. After a four-week quarantine, you need to conduct a control examination and pass all the tests to exclude chronic urethritis.

If the indicators are normal, then the person has recovered and no longer needs antibiotics. If the focus of inflammation remains in the body, then it is necessary to eliminate it until the urethritis has "migrated" to a chronic form, otherwise therapeutic therapy will be much longer and harder.

It is also important to know that even if a person has had one sexually transmitted infectious disease, he will not have immunity for reinfection. This means that if the prophylaxis is not followed, the patient can quite realistically catch one or another infection of the genitourinary system.

Urethral inflammation: treatment, complications, prevention

In the absence of timely drug therapy, urethritis can lead to the following complications in the patient's condition:

1. Men may develop inflammation of the testicle or seminal vesicles.

2. The disease can become chronic, which threatens with constant exacerbations, pain and discomfort when urinating.

3. In women, the menstrual cycle may be violated, hormonal disruptions appear.

4. With progression, urethritis can cause a narrowing of the urethra.

5. General intoxication of the body can occur with a purulent form of urethritis.

6. Men may experience prostatitis, which will lead to infertility.

7. Women with time (with chronic urethritis) can also develop infertility.

8. The development of cystitis occurs in women due to the fact that pathogenic microorganisms along with urine will also affect other organs of the genitourinary system. Moreover, if you do not stop the infection, then it is quite capable of causing inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis).

To reduce the risk of developing inflammation of the urethra, it is advisable to adhere to such doctor's advice:

1. Avoid freezing.

2. As a prophylaxis, twice a year, you need to undergo a full examination for genital infections. Women should also visit a gynecologist for examination, and men should visit a urologist.

3. It is important to have one trusted sexual partner and to use a condom for casual sexual intercourse.

4. You should check not only yourself for the presence of various diseases, but also your sexual partner.

5. To maintain immunity, it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle and eat right (limit the use of salty, sour, spicy and sweet).

6. The use of alcohol should be completely limited.

7. It is important to observe the hygiene of the genitals and wear comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics (cotton).

8. In time to treat those diseases that can lead to inflammation of the urethra.

With timely diagnosis and treatment, inflammation of the urethra has a more than favorable prognosis. In most cases, on the tenth day of therapy, patients experience noticeable improvement in the condition.

In chronic inflammation, the patient's condition will depend on how accurately he complies with medical recommendations and leads to complex therapy.


Watch the video: Male Urethral Stricture Disease: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment (July 2024).