How to clean butter before cooking. Slippery oiler: how to clean a capricious fungus


Fragrant butter is very tasty in soups, frying, pies, meat dishes. But before you use the mushrooms for their intended purpose, they must be processed. How much elastic butterdish is not so simple: every housewife should know how to clean this mushroom.

Why clean the oil

Pretreatment of oil before involves not only disposal of garbage and sand. Many mushroom pickers advise removing the film from the hat. Opinions regarding such cleaning are different. Someone does not complicate themselves with such work and just washes mushrooms, and someone scrupulously clean their hats. What for?

The meaning is as follows:

• a film not peeled off from mushrooms can give them a bitter taste;

• the oil released from the film is more tender;

• when the film covering the mushroom’s head gets wet, it becomes “snotty”, and the mushrooms can stick together in one lump (especially true for pickled butter);

• without a film, oil can turn out to be whitish, beautiful, and with a film - dark.

Be that as it may, it is customary to clean the oil. You can not touch the small size of the mushrooms, since it is almost impossible to remove a film from them.

Mushrooms harvested on a dry day can be cleaned immediately, outdoors or at home. If mushroom hunting was conducted in the rain, then the oil should first be dried. This can be done under a shady canopy in the fresh air, spreading the crop on newspaper sheets, or at home.

Some housewives dry mushrooms at a low temperature in the oven, but in this case you will have to lay portions several times, which is not very convenient. It is easier to spread the mushrooms on the working surface of the table or directly on the floor and wait for the natural weathering.

If the oils are collected for drying, you do not need to remove the film from them. How to clean the oil in this case? You need to take a fairly stiff brush and wipe off sticky twigs, blades of grass, sand and other garbage from the legs and caps of the oiler. If the dirt has stuck thoroughly, it needs to be scraped off with a knife or just cut off. It remains to wipe each fungus with a soft clean cloth and send to dry.

How to clean oil cans in the forest

Having gathered a crop of mushrooms, you can directly clean them in the forest. If the day is sunny, the mushrooms are dry, it is much more convenient and pleasant to process them immediately. You don’t have to drag extra dirt into the house, and working in nature is not so boring.

How to clean oil in the field? Everything is very simple:

• the tip of the cap must be carefully broken;

• pick up the edge of the film with a mushroom harvesting knife and pull it off the hat.

Fresh skin peels off quite easily and does not take long to clean. However, this method will not work if the weather is rainy. Wet hats become very slippery; you have to take the crop home and dry the mushrooms.

How to clean oil at home

Oils brought home can be easily cleaned with boiling water. To do this, you just need to boil 2-3 liters of water in a large pan and throw the oil into the boiling liquid for literally half a minute. After such an extreme bath, it is not difficult to remove the film from the hat.

Another variant - hold the mushrooms in boiling water. The steaming time is the same - 30 seconds. The main thing is that the steam is solid, thick. In this case, the film will separate easily.

Many mushroom pickers know how unpleasantly the film sticks to the hands and knife during processing; The sticky substance literally sticks to the fingers and the cutting surface, which makes work very difficult. There is a simple way to make your life easier: fingers and a knife blade just need to be greased with vegetable oil. This will prevent the film from pouring and protect your fingers from the stained mushroom juice.

If you plan to peel the mushrooms in the forest, you can bring along an oil-soaked cloth. It can be put in a plastic bag: it will take a little place, and the cleaning will actually speed up and make it more comfortable.

How to clean oil: tips for housewives

A strong but capricious oiler makes you think about a lot: how to clean this mushroom, how to fry it, whether it is necessary to pickle or dry it easier. However, there is another important point that can excite beginning mushroom pickers: how to avoid blackening of the skin on the hands and how to wash your hands?

The fact is that after cleaning, dark mushroom juice literally eats into the fingers. To get rid of it, hands need to be treated with lemon juice or a solution of vinegar (take table vinegar and water in equal proportions). The darkened skin should be moistened with an acidic substance. After the acid has worked, it remains only to rub your fingers with an ordinary pumice stone or a hard brush. Then rinse everything off, and you must apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to your hands.

By the way, greased fingers do not get dirty with dark juice. Here are some more important tips:

• In no case should the oil be soaked before cleaning. The fact is that the structure of the mushroom cap is tubular, so it easily picks up water. At the same time, the mucous-oily film covering the cap swells. In this state, it is impossible to clean the oil;

• you can pull the film from the mushroom not with a knife, but with gauze. To do this, in a hat of a peeled mushroom, you need to press (quite noticeably, tightly) a piece of ordinary gauze. Then pick up the edge of the oil film adhered to the fabric and pull on the gauze edge;

• Larger oils are easier to clean. They need to be cut to a dense film, and then pull the halves in different directions. The sticky peel can be removed quickly and easily.

Oils cleaned from a film are obtained in dishes more beautiful and not so slippery. To clean or not to clean mushrooms, each housewife must decide for herself.


Watch the video: Opening and Cleaning Butter Clams (July 2024).