Feed your husbands chocolate, it prevents a stroke!


Chocolate helps men avoid a stroke, a Swedish scientist came to this sensational conclusion in the research process. Just one small chocolate bar per week reduces the likelihood of a stroke by 17 percent.

Scientists from the Royal Swedish Institute for ten years conducted a large-scale study, observing the audience most at risk of cardiovascular disease - men from 49 to 75 years. Doctors worked with 37 thousand representatives of the strong half of humanity, during the study, 2 thousand had strokes.

In the process of a large-scale event, it was possible to identify the relationship between the use of chocolate and cases of a dangerous disease, in particular, the results showed that men who had a negative attitude to treats were more likely to be hospitalized.

The secret of the beneficial effect of chocolate on a man’s body is a high content of flavonoids - biologically active substances of plant origin, which prevent cell destruction, make membranes more elastic and strong.

If you choose between dark and light chocolate, it is better to give preference to black delicacy, in it the concentration of nutrients is much higher.


Watch the video: Black Jeopardy with Tom Hanks - SNL (June 2024).