You can build muscle without physical exertion


The sensational discovery of Australian scientists is capable of making a revolution in modern medicine: specialists who have long worked on the problem of muscle building have come to the conclusion that they can be obtained without a systematic visit to the gym and serious physical exertion.

Scientists have discovered a protein that stimulates muscle growth. Australians used laboratory mice as experimental material. Artificial blocking of Grb10 protein at an early stage, while rodents were not yet born, led to the fact that new individuals were born strong and healthy, their muscle mass was much more voluminous than that of relatives, which specialists did not work with.

If the information of Australian doctors is confirmed and the new protein will also act effectively on people, like on rodents, it will be possible to effectively combat dystrophy, inflammation of muscle tissues and type 2 diabetes.

So far, during the research process, no side effects of the protein have been recorded. At the same time, doctors say that even with the possibility of muscle building, you should not give up physical activity, because movement is the basis of our health.


Watch the video: Equip Yourself: 5 Bodyweight Exercises (July 2024).