Russell Crowe got lost in kayaking in the Atlantic Ocean


Oscar-winning Hollywood actor Russell Crowe got lost in the waters near Long Island, in southern New York. His kayak was intercepted by the coast guard and the actor was sent to the port intact, officials said on Sunday.

The ageless actor and his friend set off to conquer the waters of the Atlantic Ocean in a kayak this Saturday afternoon. And when it got dark, friends realized that they were lost. Rescuers pulled out his kayak 10 miles east.

The US Coast Guard patrolled their area when, at about 10 o’clock in the evening, they heard desperate cries for help from two comrades. Friends began to row to the rescuers, and were transplanted to their ship.

As the foreman of the coast guard said: "He just needed a little help. In fact, this was not a rescue. No one was hurt, since both men were wearing life jackets." He also added that the 48-year-old actor is quite an experienced kayaker and in good physical shape.

Russell Crowe was glad to the rescuers at such a late hour, and thanked a lot for the help.

Upon returning home, at about half past one in the night, Crow again thanked the officers from the coast guard on Twitter and said that he had been in open water for four and a half hours and covered a distance of 11.2 km.

Russell Crowe on Long Island did not appear by chance, but to shoot a new movie called "Noah" in the town of Oyster Bay. This is a biblical epic from the American director Darren Aronofsky. The planned release date of the film on the big screens is 2014.


Watch the video: coast guard drill causes 911 anniversary panic (July 2024).