What the earthquake is dreaming about - why and why come dreams of disaster. Key Interpretations: What the earthquake is dreaming of


It is always nice to see bright color dreams.

But what to do if a catastrophe, an earthquake occurred in a dream - it’s worth understanding the interpretation of such dreams. And only then - to sound the alarm.

Why earthquake is dreaming - basic interpretation

Any cataclysms and natural disasters that appear in dreams - prompt a person to think about a dark and sad future. But it is not all that bad. Often these are just temporary phenomena that should not be taken seriously. How to interpret dreams about an earthquake?

At first, it is worthwhile to carefully study all of its details, perhaps they will show clues and hidden signs that should be interpreted separately from the general dream. In some cases, such a dream may indicate a subconscious fear of change.

It is also worth considering that in some dream books such dreams promise to receive a new rank and position. Scientists do not recommend after a dream to definitely expect trouble. The very expectation can cause negative phenomena in life, so you should look for positive moments in the dream and not give hope for a change for the better - to fade away.

Why dream of an earthquake in Miller’s dream book

In Miller’s dream book a peculiar interpretation of what an earthquake is dreaming of is presented. Any cataclysm that appeared to a person in a dream, he sees as a real opportunity to change a lot in life. What exactly it is worth starting the change with is the dream. Of course, these changes should be systematic, and not only happen when a terrible dream occurs.

Many interpreters of dreams argue that if a person does not listen to the prompts of sleep, he will do himself a lot of harm. He is unlikely to be able to restore his life later, which will suffer greatly from his negligence.

If in a dream an earthquake occurs without casualties and practically nothing is destroyed - It is worth waiting for unexpected sad news that will not greatly affect a person’s life. These news can concern any of the spheres of his life.

If in a dream a person sees multiple victims of a disaster, and he cannot help the victims - in reality, he also will not be able to provide assistance to those who will really need it. Trying to save someone from the rubble is to give a second chance to a waking person. This may be a chance to restore relations, a chance to a colleague to earn his trust.

If a girl who has recently married has a dream about an earthquake - she should be wary of gossip and betrayal. Perhaps she chose the wrong partner in life and now doubts and hesitations bother her.

If a mother dreams about how she saves her child from an earthquake - in reality, her child can get very sick. The disease will begin quickly and suddenly, and on how quickly the child will be rendered assistance, his further fate depends.

In such situations, do not hesitate. It is imperative to heed the clues of the dream. If a young man dreams about how he saves his family from cataclysm, he will have to endure a period of protracted quarrels and conflicts. But the final word will remain with him.

Why dream of Freud’s earthquake

What is the earthquake dreaming of? How is such a dream interpreted in Freud's dream book? Freud associates all the dreams of man with the sexuality of the individual. If a young girl dreams that she falls under the influence of an earthquake, she does not feel satisfaction from her partner. She should think about whether she made the right choice.

If a young man dreams about how he sees the disaster from the side - he will be pulled into a love triangle. He should not rely on warm and tender feelings, they will just use him. After such events, the man’s heart will be broken. Therefore, do not disclose to everyone. Especially if the dream warns of negative consequences. It is necessary to be wary of new meetings and acquaintances.

Why dream of an earthquake in other dream books

Earthquakes always symbolize change. If they are afraid, then in any case they will become negative. In a dream book, Denise Lynn states that they can also provoke a new impetus in a person’s life, when more and more positive changes will enter it.

But if a person is not ready for positive changes, then what to dream about and what to strive for? Also, in some cases, earthquakes in a dream and in real life promise earthquakes. Scientists have repeatedly noticed this pattern.

In the Mayan dream book it is indicated that in order for changes in life to become positive, it is worth a week to sleep on the floor. If in a dream you saw the negative consequences of a cataclysm - in reality do not relax. And here you will expect the loss and ups and downs of fate. If many buildings collapsed as a result of the earthquake, scandals and problems in family life await you. You cannot find a common language with people.

It should be noted that if a person does not dream of the cataclysm, but only his echoes, one should expect betrayal and betrayal by loved ones. In the dream book of Shereminsky it is said that such a sign in a dream is a symbol of possible mental deviations with which a person will not be able to cope on his ownI.

In the dream book Shuvalova saidthat dreams of an earthquake indicate a person’s increased anxiety at his subconscious expectation of negative changes in life. You should either discard such thoughts, or come to terms with them.

When an earthquake occurs in a dream - This may indicate its increased aggressiveness and resistance to positive changes in life. Perhaps he is afraid to be punished for previous acts. It is worth taking a closer look at the circumstances of the disaster, perhaps behind them is an irresistible desire for sexual joy.

In an old English dream book it is said:

• An earthquake promises trouble, loss of a financial plan, the destruction of family and relationships, the end of a happy streak;

• This is a symbol of problems not only in the life of one particular person, but also of the country as a whole;

• An earthquake in a dream promises the withering away of feelings in a person’s heart.

How serious will be the destruction in a dream, how serious will be the loss of a person in life. In the dream book of Sivananda it is said why the earthquake is dreaming. To parting and protracted ups and downs in life. In the business of a person, failure and betrayal of colleagues and partners are expected.

To dream of many deaths - to waking death. If a person dreams about how he himself dies as a result of cataclysms, a serious and long-term illness is possible. Doctors will not be able to establish a diagnosis for a long time.

To see a dream in which it is easy to escape from the cataclysm - in reality, all problems will be just as easily overcome. Do not focus on negative events - you should look for positive points in everything.

Erotic dream book indicates a hidden intimate subtext of sleep. If the partners in the pair had such a dream - it is worth considering whether they are satisfied with each other. Perhaps the partners are pretty tired of one another. Then you should not continue the relationship that spoils life, it is better to start a new healthy relationship.

Maybe, one partner is simply dissatisfied with the behavior of another, or a woman does not listen to the wishes of men in sex. This situation is likely to lead to a breakdown. In order for it not to happen, a lot needs to be changed. First of all - attitude to life.

It happens that a dream about an earthquake visits a person again and again - this may indicate that he is not ready to change his life in order to be happy, successful. He does not have the flexibility of thinking, the desire to find a common language with everyone. Thus, he himself obscures the options for improving life, and dreams try to dissuade him from night to night.

Scientists say that it’s worth rejoicing in dreams, whatever they may be. They mean that a person is given a chance to change his life, but whether he will use it or not, he will decide. Many are afraid of even the smallest changes, but such dreams stimulate a person to move on. Such dreams stimulate the destruction of stereotypes and behaviors. Dreams of an earthquake will make it possible to understand in which sphere of life a person makes a larger number of errors and quickly correct them.


Watch the video: John Paul Jackson - " what dreams mean " (June 2024).