Idea: how to make a house for a cat with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction with illustrations: we make houses for cats ourselves


Fans of cats are often asked about the arrangement of housing for their ward.

Cats are precisely those animals that like to retire, especially if there are children in the house.

The best option would be a cat house, which you can easily do yourself.

Master class: how to make a house for a cat with your own hands

In order to create a house for your pet, you will need any material with which it will be sheathed. The approximate dimensions are 1.5 * 1.2 cm. To make the house smooth and accurate, you need to draw a template in advance.

We put the cut out template on the material, transfer it, and cut it out, not forgetting to leave a 3 cm margin. We cut 8 pieces, these will be the walls, and 2 more - the bottom. We make the same parts from foam, the house should be warm. In foam rubber, you do not need to leave a stock. We make 5 parts of foam rubber, 4 - on the wall and 1 - on the floor.

We take 2 pieces of the cut out fabric, we connect and stack on foam rubber. On the drawn line, everything is stitched. So it should turn out 4 walls and a floor. In one of the walls you need to make a hole through which the cat will climb. In order to make the circle equal, you can use a plate or bowl.

Next, we take the details from the bottom of the house, and sew them. Depending on the thickness of the foam rubber, a bonding method is selected. If the foam rubber is very thick, then you can fasten it with buttons.

When all the walls and the bottom are sewn, you can fasten all the parts together. You need to stitch it from the wrong side, starting from the wall where the entrance to the house is.

When everything is sewn, the house turns on the front side.

Thus, you can make a beautiful and comfortable house for your cat with your own hands, which will be very happy for him!

Do-it-yourself plywood cat house

Making a house is very simple. To create it, you need a minimum of materials and a maximum of creative fantasies.

Step 1: Saw 6 sheets of plywood according to pre-compiled sizes. In one of them, make a circle through which the cat can enter it. It also needs to be done depending on the size of your pet.

Step 2: as soon as all the details are cut, with the help of furniture corners, fasten all the walls. But before that, do not forget to sheathe the house from the inside. This can be done with any material and foam.

Step 3: to make the house unusual and interesting for your pet, you can make an observation deck. It is done as follows. A wooden tube is taken and wrapped with a rope. This is done so that the cat can cling to it when it will climb up or just sharpen its claws on it.

Next, a rectangle is cut out of plywood. It is important here to consider the size of your pet. This rectangle, it is also an observation deck, is upholstered with any material, you can put foam rubber under it.

Step 4: The viewing platform is attached to the pipe. This is done using the same corners for furniture. By the way, you can buy them at any construction or furniture store.

Step 5: the pipe along with the pad is attached to the rear wall of the house.

The house can be made with or without a roof. If you attach any material as a roof, it will look much more beautiful, and the cat will feel more protected.

Step by step: how to make a house for a cat out of the box with your own hands

The most simple and budget option is to make a house for your beloved pet out of a cardboard box. For this, you will not need one that is not in your house. Most importantly, choose the box that fits your cat.

To create a house you will need:

• Any box with thick cardboard;

• Material, best carpet, it is soft, but at the same time and dense;

• Any waterproof material;

• Knife;

• glue;

• Scotch tape.

1. We take any box and mark on it a door for the entry and exit of the pet, it must correspond to its size. Carefully cut out.

2. Using adhesive tape, glue all the corners and holes in the box so that the house does not collapse during operation.

3. We cover all walls of the house with waterproof material. It will protect it from moisture and the house will not collapse prematurely. The material is glued with glue. Waterproof material needs to be glued over the house inside and out.

4. Outside the house is sheathed with carpet. It is better to cut it with a margin of about 1.5 cm. For the side walls, the carpet is cut out in a solid piece, and already for the top and bottom, as well as for the interior decoration, in detail. Attach it best with glue, it will be more reliable. After gluing, let the house stand for a day.

5. To make the cat more comfortable, inside, you can also put a carpet, or any other material. After connecting all the details, the house should stand for 4 days. Only then can tenants be populated into it!

The house turns out beautiful, but at the same time easy to manufacture.

There are many more ways to make a house for a cat with your own hands. All of them are interesting and unusual. If you show imagination, then such a house will become not only a place where the cat can be alone, but also a place for games. The main thing is taking care of your pet!


Watch the video: How to make Amazing Kitten Cat Pet House from Cardboard (June 2024).