Victoria: beneficial properties and biologically active substances in the fruits and leaves of a plant. Preservation of the beneficial properties of Victoria and contraindications


Victoria is a large-fruited garden strawberry named after the Queen.

In late spring, this berry confirms its high origin with excellent taste and aroma.

No less attractive and beneficial properties of Victoria, with minor contraindications.

Active substances of Victoria and their beneficial properties

The saturation of Victoria strawberries with biologically active substances depends on the conditions in which it grew. The more the sun shines on the plant, the more useful it will become when it is fully ripe.

Strawberries accumulate a lot of organic acids, including malic, oxalic, succinic and salicylic. Saturation with sugars - glucose, sucrose and fructose - also depends on the weather. Iron, calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, iodine, manganese are trace elements rich in strawberries and leaves. Just one handful of Victoria contains the daily norm of vitamin C. It also has a lot of vitamin A, H (biotin), E, ​​P (quercetin) folic acid (B9) and other biologically active substances necessary to maintain the health of the human body.

Salicylic acid is a natural aspirin. It also has an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and diuretic effect.

Malic acid regulates the ratio of acids and alkalis in the body, and also participates in metabolic processes. Without it, the full absorption of iron and the synthesis of many vitamins do not occur.

At the same time, this serves as a contraindication for Victoria if a person has negative reactions to these substances.

Copper is one of the trace elements without which the normal functioning of the body is impossible. This is due to the fact that copper catalyzes the formation of red blood cells and the synthesis of hemoglobin.

Iron is the most important chemical element of the human body. Without it, there is no blood, since it forms hemoglobin. Iron is involved in the synthesis of most vital substances. For example, thyroid hormones, B vitamins, which allow the brain to properly control the entire body. Without iron, immune cells do not form.

Manganese is a trace element that makes cell division possible, which means renewal of all tissues and organs of the body. It is needed for the formation of connective and cartilage tissues. Manganese plays a key role in the formation of pancreatic enzymes, the synthesis of proper cholesterol, fat metabolism and balance.

Biotin is involved in the processes of energy release from proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is necessary for the synthesis of vitamins PP, B5, B12 and C, as well as glucose. Vitamin H regulates the digestive tract and nervous system.

Flavonol quercetin is an antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antihistamine and diuretic effects. Scientists have proven the antitumor effect of this substance.

Victoria: useful properties of fruits and leaves for various diseases

Strawberry medicines are tasty and effective in many diseases.

Due to the large number of elements acting on the blood as part of Victoria, it is used as a tool for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. To do this, brew teas from dry leaves and fruits of strawberries. Accepted all year, taking breaks of 10 it every month.

With joint diseases, water decoctions and infusions of leaves and stems of Victoria strawberries for oral administration are indicated. And for external compresses and lotions make alcohol tincture of fresh leaves. In this way, the healing of cartilage tissues is better stimulated. Strawberry juice fights well with osteochondrosis.

Victoria is also useful for the cardiovascular system. A cocktail of active substances helps strengthen the vascular wall and cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol. This prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis, strokes, heart attacks. Compote from crushed berries is taken to improve the condition of coronary heart disease.

All medical products from strawberries are widely used for gynecological diseases. With fibroma and uterine myoma, a decoction of a whole flowering plant is used along with the root. And for the treatment of mastopathy, moist leaves are applied and drink decoctions from the fruits.

With a diuretic effect, strawberries have proven to be a good cure for kidney disease. Decoctions, infusions and tinctures from the leaves are used for glomerulonephritis and multicomponent jade. Strawberries also fight urolithiasis, gradually dissolving and removing stones and sand from the bladder.

Since the diuretic effect helps to remove harmful salts from the body, they drink Victoria juice for gout, arthritis, and deforming spondylosis.

With skin diseases, in addition to internal methods of strawberry infusion, baths and lotions are made on eczema-affected or depriving skin areas. With local action, the components of Victoria penetrate the epithelium and establish metabolic processes.

It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of all parts of strawberries for the digestive system. Having a choleretic effect, it defeats cholecystitis, blockage of the bile ducts. Acids and vitamins contained in fruits and leaves stimulate digestion. Enzymatic components that stimulate the pancreas and help digest heavy foods. A light diuretic action cleanses the intestines.

Ways of harvesting Victoria to preserve her useful properties

To achieve a result in the cure of any disease, medications from strawberries must be consumed for a long time. Its season is quite short, so you need to properly prepare the berries, leaves and roots of the plant.

From the fruits make liquid jams, while Victoria berries are contraindicated in cooking for more than 5 minutes. Stewed fruit is not boiled, but sterilized in jars before rolling up the lid. So vitamins and microelements are saved.

Victoria's fruits are also dried so as not to be subjected to heat treatment. In order to wash away extraneous pollen, various microorganisms and, simply, dust, you need to rinse them under running water. The stems from the berries do not break. You need to dry in a room with a draft or in an electric dryer. Store dried berries in a glass sealed container.

The leaves, before being cut, are washed by pouring cool water on Victoria bushes from a watering can. Then let them dry and cut. Dried in drafts without sunlight.

The roots are dug up, immediately washed well and dried. Large roots are cut, small roots are left intact. They are dried, like the leaves. They store both leaves and roots in jars, linen or paper bags.

Victoria: contraindications

Victoria has few contraindications, but, nevertheless, there is, like any medicine.

Due to its multicomponent composition, it should be used with caution for people with allergies.

It is also contraindicated when taking drugs for hypertension, since such a combination gives a big burden to the kidneys.

Strawberries are a sweet-tasting berry. However, it contains many acids that irritate the walls of the digestive system. This is the reason for contraindication for use with high acidity or peptic ulcer of the digestive tract. With indigestion, you can not use any part of Victoria, as this can aggravate diarrhea.


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