Calendula (marigolds): beneficial properties of the plant. Calendula use options, recipes and contraindications


The medical features of calendula are familiar to people for a long time.

The plant is actively used to treat inflammatory processes and diseases of various organs, treat ulcers, wounds, abscesses, and dermatological skin diseases.

It has calendula useful properties applicable for the creation of pharmaceutical preparations based on plants, as well as for pure plant therapy in home medicine.

The chemical composition of calendula and the beneficial properties of a home plant

Calendula is a very unpretentious plant that can grow both in flower beds, forest glades, lawns, and in home pots that adorn the garden. Few amateur gardeners think about the fact that in their garden a real storehouse of useful substances is growing, which not only adorns landscape design. All the usefulness of calendula lies in its composition, which includes:

• carotenoids - necessary substances for the successful synthesis of vitamin A, which improves vision and eliminates eye diseases;

• essential oils;

• flavonoids - substances that can relieve muscle spasms, prevent the appearance of cancer cells, stimulate the production of gastric juice and bile;

• volatile;

• vitamin C;

• marigold, which has an anti-inflammatory property;

• tannins;

• mucus;

• saponins;

• organic acids;

• macro- and microelements, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and others.

These substances are contained in marigold buds and give it pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. The flowers of the plant are considered the most useful of its parts and are used to prepare tinctures, decoctions and other home remedies. They are able to kill viruses in the body that stimulate influenza and herpes. The underground part of the plant is practically useless in folk medicine and uses it extremely rarely.

The rest of the aerial part of the plant contains substances such as triterpenoids, which can lower the level of bad cholesterol in the body, reduce swelling, suppuration, inflammation and improve the course of nervous excitations.

Universal calendula: the beneficial properties of bright buds

Calendula is used as an individual remedy for getting rid of various diseases, and in combination with other herbs. It is suitable for the treatment of a variety of diseases.

1. Calendula acts as a strong anti-inflammatory agent that kills microbes, as well as viruses, fungi and other pathogens of infections.

2. The plant actively expels bile from the body, stimulates the stomach and normalizes it.

3. It removes harmful impurities, toxins, pathogenic accumulations and substances from the body.

5. Marigolds inhibit the growth, reproduction and emergence of new cancer cells, eliminates altered tissues.

6. The plant is used to treat diseases of the respiratory tract, such as tonsillitis, acute respiratory viral infections, colds, flu, bronchitis. An infusion, broth or mixture is used to rinse the larynx and mouth, relieve inflammation, redness and swelling. In case of bacterial and viral infections, for the elimination of infection, admissible ingestion of funds based on calendula.

7. With all kinds of damage to the dermis, calendula is appropriate due to its ability to quickly heal wounds. She can cope with boils, abscesses, abrasions, corns, cuts, burns, ulcers, fistulas and other problems.

8. For problems with the digestive system and organs involved in the process of digesting food, it is appropriate to use a plant. Calendula is useful for gastritis, colitis, ulcers, gall bladder diseases and others.

9. Due to their choleretic effect, marigolds are effective in treating liver problems. Diseases such as cirrhosis, hepatitis and others can be overcome with the help of marigold preparations.

10. High blood pressure and cardiovascular disease are problems of many people. The general strengthening effect and anticholesterol properties of the plant help to normalize blood pressure, strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels, make them more elastic, and establish a heart rhythm.

11. Calendula eliminates many gynecological diseases. Regular exposure to calendula helps get rid of excessive bleeding, diseases of the genital and reproductive organs, thrush, eliminate the signs and negative manifestations of menopause, and minimize mood swings in this period in women.

12. Suitable plant for cancer patients. The plant will not be able to rid itself of tumors on its own, but as an aid it proves to be the best and has a positive effect on the health of cancer patients.

The use of calendula: contraindications and methods of use

There are many ways to use calendula. Everyone is able to influence a particular disease. Much depends on the correct preparation of the medicine.

1. Tincture of calendula is a universal drug that is effective for diseases of the throat, heart and blood vessels and respiratory tract. It is universal due to its use. So, the ready-made solution is suitable for rinsing the mouth and throat, in the form of drops it is applied orally by 20-30 pieces for heart ailments, 10-20 drops to obtain a wound healing or choleretic effect, as well as in the treatment of gastritis or ulcers. 10 drops, dissolved in water, three times a day can be taken with headaches, loss of strength, decreased activity, or to strengthen immunity. With otitis media, you can use tincture of calendula to bury the ears. As an external agent, it is used for the speedy healing of wounds, as lotions and compresses. Alcohol tincture is used in gynecology.

2. The infusion of the flowers of the plant is as effective as the alcohol infusion. It can be used if there are contraindications to alcohol or it is banned individually. The disadvantage of such a treatment agent is its shelf life, which is no more than 2 days at a cool temperature.

3. The decoction of the plant is used for diseases of the liver, stomach, with the appearance of biliary stagnation inward. In gynecology, it can be used externally.

4. Effectively calendula oil in the treatment of external damage to the dermis. It is also used as a cosmetic product. You can take the oil inside to calm the nervous system, relieve stress and symptoms of menopause.

5. Ointment based on calendula suitable for the healing of external injuries, treatment of varicose veins and dermatitis.

Does calendula have contraindications

Calendula contraindications are very limited, but still there.

It is not recommended to use the nails in any form to pregnant women, in order to avoid provocation of a miscarriage.

Since calendula is useful for patients with high blood pressure, suffering from hypotension, it is strictly contraindicated. People with such a cardiac pathology as bradycardia fall into the same category.

Nursing mothers, young children, and the elderly should not abuse the use of calendula. Only in limited quantities or should be completely abandoned.


Watch the video: How to Tell if a Marigold Is a Calendula (June 2024).