Chocolate cake in a slow cooker - great! Recipes for chocolate pies in a multicooker, which always turn out


Oh, these pies!

They may not be very useful for the figure, but they are delicious!

Especially chocolate pies. Fragrant pastries will conquer any person, let alone sweet tooth.

It remains only to get a slow cooker and cook.

With a miracle saucepan, this can be done by anyone. Choose a recipe?

Chocolate cake in a slow cooker - general principles of preparation

Chocolate flavor is achieved using two products: cocoa powder or chocolate bar. Often in recipes both of these ingredients are present. Their duet gives the pastries a rich taste, bright color and amazing aroma.

Dough for pies in a slow cooker is most often prepared semi-liquid. It’s convenient to work with it, it rises easily, baking is light, porous and quite juicy. An important role is played by the addition of cultivators.

What are chocolate pies made with:

• berries;

• nuts;

• fruits and dried fruits;

• coconut flakes.

But often they cook regular chocolate muffin, which can be sprinkled with powder, smeared with jam or consumed just like that.

For baking, use the appropriate program. The average cycle time is 50 or 60 minutes. But the cake may not have time to prepare during this time. In this case, you will need to continue baking. The time indicated in the recipe does not always coincide with the actual duration, since multicooker models are different. It is advisable to periodically check the pastries for readiness.

Chocolate cake in a slow cooker with tiles

To make such a pie, you need a bar of dark chocolate. Cocoa powder is also needed, it is advisable to take a dark product and without sugar in the composition.


• three eggs;

• 200 g of oil (1 pack);

• 180 g of sugar;

• flour 1.5 tbsp .;

• one bag (10 gr.) Of a cultivator;

• 100 grams of chocolate;

• cocoa 2 tablespoons;

• 3 tablespoons of water.


1. Lubricate the crock-pot with a piece of oil, discard the rest in a convenient container and melt to a liquid consistency. Leave to cool.

2. Break the chocolate into pieces, melt. It is advisable to do this in a water bath, in the microwave it turns out unevenly.

3. We grow cocoa with three tablespoons of water, which are indicated in the recipe. Send to melted chocolate.

4. Mix the sugar with the eggs. Beat a little and add the melted butter.

5. Add the chocolate mixture of tiles and diluted cocoa, whisk again.

6. Add the sifted flour with a cultivator, knead the dough.

7. We shift the brown mass into the slow cooker.

8. Close, bake the hour.

9. Then leave it heated for another half hour. This is very important, moisture should be distributed in the cake.

10. Spread on a wire rack and cool. You can pour glaze on top or grease with chocolate paste.

Chocolate cake in a slow cooker with cherries

Instead of cherries, you can use cherries, currants or blueberries for this chocolate cake. It will also turn out delicious. The dough is prepared the simplest in biscuit type. If there is no cultivator, then replace the powder with hydrated soda.


• 2 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 0.15 kg of cherries;

• 3 eggs;

• 4 tablespoons of flour;

• 0.5 cups of sugar;

• 0.5 tsp cultivator;

• 1 tsp oils.


1. We take out a saucepan from the multicooker, we grease and we return back.

2. Also immediately prepare the cherries. Wash the berries, remove the seeds, leave in a colander. You can use frozen and canned cherries. In this case, let the juice drain well.

3. Cooking the dough. As befits a biscuit, mix eggs and sugar, turn on the mixer at full power and beat until stable foam.

4. Mix all the loose ingredients, send to the eggs.

5. Stir the dough with flour gently and briefly, three times enough to hold the spoon in a clockwise direction.

6. Add the berries and stir again.

7. We shift everything into a slow cooker, turn it on and cook for 40 minutes.

8. Open the lid, let the cake stand for a while.

9. If you want to make the baking more juicy, then soak the cake with cherry compote.

Chocolate cake in the kitchen "Cook"

The recipe for a German chocolate cake in a slow cooker, which is cooked in vegetable oil. It turns out very tender and lush, you can add coconut flakes, a few nuts or raisins. But in itself it is simply incomparable.


• 200 ml of vegetable oil;

• 200 ml of milk;

• 4 eggs;

• 4 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 1 bag of baking cultivator;

• Vanilla;

• 1.5 tbsp. Sahara;

• 2 tbsp. sifted flour.


1. While laying loose ingredients aside, take the eggs and beat with sugar until white foam.

2. Pour milk and then butter, whisk for a minute.

3. Add the cocoa powder. You can first dilute it in a small amount of pre-cast milk so that no lumps appear.

4. Now you need to pour one glass from the resulting sweet mixture. We put it in the refrigerator. Chocolate mass will be needed to soak the finished cake.

5. In the rest of the dough, add flour and add a cultivator, stir.

6. If nuts or shavings are placed in the pie, then do it now.

7. Pour the dough into the greased pan from the multicooker.

8. We bake the kitchens for 80 minutes.

9. Take out the cake with a hot and wooden stick, quickly pierce the surface in several places.

10. We get the previously cast mixture with cocoa and water the cake. All mass must be absorbed.

11. Serve kitchens can be warm or cold.

Chocolate cake in a slow cooker without eggs

The recipe for a simple pie, for which you do not even need eggs. Baking is moist, juicy, does not require any additions, fillings, shaving brush.


• 3 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 1 tsp instant coffee;

• 1 glass of water;

• 1.5 cups flour;

• 50 ml of oil;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• salt, vanilla;

• 1 cup of sugar.


1. Mix coffee and cocoa in a bowl, add salt, a little vanilla and pour baking powder. We are leaving.

2. In another bowl, combine water with sugar. Add oil. The classic recipe uses corn oil, but can be done with sunflower.

3. Now you need to combine both mixtures.

4. Stir with a spoon for at least three minutes. The mass will become homogeneous and slightly shiny.

5. It remains to put the dough in a saucepan in a slow cooker. Before that, do not forget to grease it.

6. Close and bake for 70 minutes.

7. Cool the finished cake before serving, preferably on the wire rack, so that the bottom does not become damp.

Chocolate cake in a slow cooker with pear on a kefir dough

Variant of sweet kefir dough pie. Instead of a pear, you can add an apple or a banana to it, it also turns out delicious with them.


• 1 tbsp. Sahara;

• 2 tbsp. flour;

• 2 eggs;

• 2 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 1 tsp cinnamon

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• 0.5 tsp soda;

• 2 pears;

• 30 ml of oil.


1. Soda run in kefir, stir.

2. Break the eggs into a large container, add sugar and you can immediately pour kefir. Beat for two or three minutes.

3. Add vegetable oil.

4. Pour the cocoa powder into the flour and then the cultivator, stir dry. After that, we introduce into the dough, add vegetable oil.

5. Wash and wipe the pears. Threaded thin plates up to five millimeters.

6. Put a layer of pears in a greased saucepan from the multicooker, sprinkle with cinnamon and pour over the chocolate dough.

7. Then again comes a layer of pears and everything is filled with the remnants of the dough. Do not forget to sprinkle the pieces with cinnamon powder.

8. Turn on the baking. Cooking the cake for 70 minutes.

9. Then turn on a flat dish, pears will be on top. Cooling down.

Chocolate cake in a slow cooker with dried apricots

The dough for this pie is kneaded in condensed milk. It will take one standard bank. Also for the dough you need one bar of milk and one bar of dark chocolate.


• 4 eggs;

• 100 grams of milk chocolate;

• 100 grams of dark chocolate;

• 1.5 cups flour;

• 1 can of condensed milk;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• 50 grams of oil;

• 120 grams of dried apricots.


1. We put a saucepan with water on the stove, let it heat.

2. Break the chocolate into pieces, drop it into the second saucepan. It should be smaller in diameter. Set in a water bath and leave the chocolate to melt. Stir occasionally to make it more even, and the mass does not overheat more than necessary.

3. As soon as all the lumps disperse, remove the chocolate from the heat and add a piece of butter to it, stir.

4. Beat eggs, add condensed milk to them.

5. Pour chocolate with butter, stir.

6. Pour flour, pour the cultivator. You can take slaked soda.

7. Wash dried apricots, cut each into four parts or with straws. If the apricots are too dry, then let us first lie down a little in water and cut after that.

8. Add dried apricots in chocolate dough.

9. Stir and pour into the saucepan of the multicooker.

10. Close and bake for 80 minutes. It is advisable to check the readiness with a stick after an hour of baking.

11. Turn the cake with dried apricots on a wire rack, cool.

Chocolate cake in a slow cooker - useful tips and tricks

• Chocolate does not like water. If the dishes for melting the tiles are wet, the mass will not melt and may remain plasticine.

• Cocoa powder is often taken in grains, collected in batter by lumps. To prevent this from happening, it can be mixed with a small amount of prescription liquid (kefir, water, condensed milk) in a separate bowl and only after that add to the dough. Even easier - stir the cocoa with flour, and you can sift.

• Do not be upset if you suddenly find light cocoa and the dough looks gray. Add colors to the cake will help instant coffee. Dilute a spoon in a small amount of water and add to the dough. A chocolate cake will not ruin a coffee aftertaste.

• It is not necessary to extinguish vinegar for kefir or sour cream dough with vinegar. You can simply add the powder to the dairy product and stir. The baking powder never extinguishes, as it itself contains citric acid.


Watch the video: How to Make Slow Cooker Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars (July 2024).