Pumpkin: useful properties of pulp, seeds and peel. The use of pumpkins for children, the possible harm to the vegetable


A simple pumpkin with close acquaintance turns out to be surprisingly useful and tasty vegetable.

From it you can cook a lot of hot and cold, meat and sweet dishes, as well as use as the basis for home masks.

Not only pulp is used, but also pumpkin seeds, the useful properties of which are also very great.

Pumpkin: what is in the composition?

With a very low calorie content (in hundred grams of pumpkin pulp only 22 calories), pumpkin has a high nutritional value. There are so many substances useful for the body that it is extremely unreasonable to refuse to use a sweetish pumpkin. Scientists have discovered a rare vitamin T in a vegetable, which promotes good absorption of heavy foods, and vitamin K, no less rare for vegetables, thanks to which our body is able to synthesize bone tissue and blood.

In addition, orange pumpkin flesh includes:

• vitamins C, A, B, PP, E, D, F;

• micro and macro elements (potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, cobalt, phosphorus);

• fiber indispensable for the intestine;

Despite the presence of vegetable sugars, pumpkin is not only possible, but also needs to be included in the diet plan with excess weight. Weight loss will go faster due to substances that accelerate metabolic processes and contribute to the rapid absorption of food.

Useful properties of pumpkin

The rich composition explains the beneficial properties of pumpkin. Dishes from it improve the composition of the blood, its coagulation, can serve as an excellent prevention of anemia and the formation of platelets. Pumpkin pulp has a beneficial effect on all systems and organs of the human body, has vasodilating, regenerating, cleansing, anti-inflammatory properties.

Despite the simple appearance, the pumpkin is capable of real miracles:

• she soothes nerves;

• normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;

• improves metabolic processes and water-salt metabolism;

• removes toxins and toxins;

• lowers cholesterol;

• stimulates and regulates the urinary system, liver and gall bladder;

• slows down aging;

• may stop vomiting;

• improves skin and hair.

Scientists have discovered in a pumpkin a substance that does not allow tubercle bacillus to multiply in the body. Useful properties of pumpkin can be used in the treatment of diseases of the intestines, kidneys, stomach, liver. Include pumpkin dishes in the diet should people suffering from gout, atherosclerosis, obesity, intestinal infection, diabetes, hemorrhoids, heart disease and blood vessels. It relieves edema, reduces the load on the heart, strengthens blood vessels and eyesight, and eliminates stagnation in the spleen and liver.

It is very important that baking and cooking do not deprive the pumpkin of beneficial properties. So, baked pulp has a laxative, choleretic and diuretic effect. A large crop of vegetables can be stored frozen, using in any season. If you dry pumpkin slices, you get a great way to remove mucus and bile, strengthen the body with increased physical activity, improve memory and digestive processes.

Useful properties of pumpkin seeds

One of the most famous folk remedies to get rid of helminthic infestations are pumpkin seeds. They perfectly drive out roundworm, pinworms, larvae of bovine or pork tapeworm.

Almost half of the mass of seeds in purified form consists of oil. They include organic acids, proteins, proteins, zinc, vitamins, resins, phytosterol, carotene.

Eating pumpkin seeds can be raw or dried. To improve the taste, they are often ground with honey and a mixture with tea is taken. But you can’t fry or bake seeds in the oven: they will lose their benefit. You can store dried seeds for two years: during this time all the beneficial properties are preserved.

In addition to the anthelmintic effect, pumpkin seeds have other possibilities. Healing home remedies, prepared on their basis, capable of much:

• stop heart pain;

• prevent cardiovascular disease;

• cure cystitis, a variety of diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys;

• help with urinary retention.

In order to expel worms, the seeds must be consumed fresh or dried, without releasing from the green film. They should be eaten on an empty stomach, after taking it after 30 minutes, you can make an enema.

In the past, pumpkin seeds have been used to enhance male libido. The flour prepared from them was often included in love potions.

The benefits of pumpkins for women and children

The beneficial properties of pumpkin are very important for women and children. The fact is that pumpkin pulp makes the skin beautiful, smooth, clean. Thanks to the inclusion of pumpkin dishes in the diet, you can get rid not only of acne, but also of the manifestations of PMS (for example, irritability), as well as insomnia.

The antioxidant properties of pumpkin allow it to be the same magical food product that prevents aging and prevents the appearance of wrinkles, sagging skin. The vegetable improves the condition of the mucous membranes, therefore it is very useful for intimate life.

Pregnant women suffering from toxicosis can use pumpkin juice to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Another option is to prepare a pumpkin decoction and mix it with a spoon of lemon juice.

For children's immunity, pumpkin is useful in abundance of vitamins. Plant fiber will help form soft stools. The inclusion of pumpkin dishes in the diet will make the child not only healthy, but also calm. The baby will sleep better, get rid of anxiety.

Pumpkin: possible harm

Pumpkin allergy is extremely rare. And yet, when you first get acquainted with the vegetable, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the child's body. It can manifest as skin rashes.

Not everything is just that I use pumpkin seeds to combat worms. The fact is that if you eat too many seeds, nausea and vomiting may occur. For preschool children, it is optimal to eat no more than 50 grams of seeds. For students, the dose can be increased to 100-150 grams. In any case, a handful of pumpkin seeds will not harm health.

To abandon the use of pumpkin pulp in any form, you need to exacerbate gastritis and the presence of ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa. If a person has diabetes, it is imperative to consult a doctor about including pumpkin in the diet. Despite the low percentage of sugar, pumpkin can harm the body due to its high alkalizing properties.

Limit the use of pumpkin dishes is necessary and in violation of the acid-base balance. With reduced acidity of gastric juice, you also need to carefully plan your diet.

In a certain category of people there is an individual reaction to a pumpkin, manifested in the form of bloating. If the gastrointestinal tract reacts in this way to delicate pumpkin flesh, it may be necessary to abandon its use.

Do not abuse pumpkin juice. Of course, it has a powerful cleansing effect. But in the presence of serious intestinal diseases, diarrhea can provoke.

It is no coincidence that a pumpkin is considered almost a medicine. It really improves well-being and contributes to the healing of many ailments.


Watch the video: Fruit flies on old Pumpkins - Pepitas - Graskerafræ - Ávaxtaflugur - Garðyrkja (July 2024).