A simple cake in a slow cooker - sweet tooth in service! The simplest recipes for multicooked cakes


To prepare a delicious cake, it is not necessary to spend half a day in the kitchen. There are many simple, but no less delicious dessert recipes without complex glaze, mastic, soufflé, multi-component creams. It’s even easier to cook cakes in a slow cooker, which is what we will do.

Simple cake in a slow cooker - general principles of cooking

Dough for baking cakes in a slow cooker is usually used liquid as a biscuit. It is inconvenient to bake sand and puff cakes in a miracle saucepan. For the test, all products are mixed or whipped, depending on the recipe. Typically, cakes are prepared on the basis of butter, eggs, flour, sour cream and sugar. Cocoa, honey, nuts, vanilla can be added.

In the multicooker for cakes the program "Baking" is used. The average cycle time is 50 minutes. But time can always be reduced or added, if this requires a recipe. After baking one magnificent cake is obtained. It is necessary to cut it into layers after complete cooling so as not to crush the crumb.

A simple cake in a slow cooker

The recipe for a simple biscuit, which is prepared on the basis of any jam and kefir. The dummy is light, porous, soft. You can lubricate with any cream. It is better to take jam with small pieces: raspberries, strawberries, currants.


• kefir 200 ml;

• jam 200 ml;

• sugar 150 grams;

• flour 2 cups;

• 10 ml of oil;

• 1 tsp cultivator.


1. Combine jam with kefir, add eggs and immediately pour granulated sugar. We divide the mass well with a whisk until smooth. Let the berries remain, they do not interfere.

2. Sow flour and baking powder, put in a mass with jam.

3. Thoroughly stir everything.

4. We coat the bottom and bottom of the bowl from the multicooker.

5. We shift fragrant dough.

6. We bake a biscuit for 50 minutes, cool, if necessary, cut into several layers, grease and decorate with cream.

The simplest multicooker biscuit cake recipe

A variant of the usual biscuit, which is smeared with sour cream. Although, for this simple cake in a slow cooker, absolutely any cream will do, jam and even chocolate paste from a jar.


• 150 grams of flour;

• 150 grams of sugar;

• 3 eggs;

• 0.5 tsp baking cultivator.

For cream, 250 grams of fat sour cream, vanilla and 150 grams of sugar.


1. Immediately lubricate the slow cooker, it should be ready.

2. Break the eggs, pour sugar in them.

3. Take a mixer and beat for 8-10 minutes. You can use a whisk, but it will be very long, the process will be delayed.

4. Add the flour. Next we throw the ripper. Stir the dough.

5. Pour everything into a slow cooker, close it immediately, bake for 50 minutes.

6. Then slightly open, gradually cool, but not completely. We spread the warm cake on the grate, leave for a couple of hours.

7. Stir sour cream with vanilla and sugar.

8. Cut the sponge cake into a couple of shortcakes. We coat with cream. Sour cream moisturizes the crumb well, additional impregnation is not necessary.

A simple cake in a multicooker "One, two, three" with cocoa

A variant of the simplest recipe for a cake in a multicooker, which is prepared with cocoa. The chocolate base is smeared with cream of boiled condensed milk, which also does not require a lot of time for cooking.


• 60 grams of butter;

• 60 grams of vegetable oil;

• 250 grams of flour;

• 280 ml of milk;

• 2 eggs;

• 300 grams of sugar;

• 50 grams of cocoa;

• cultivator and salt.

For cream jar of condensed milk boiled and 250-300 grams of oil.


1. Oil for cream and dough immediately remove the heat, cut into pieces and leave to lie down. Do not mix together.

2. Take a sieve, put on a large bowl and pour flour, followed by cocoa, a small spoon of the cultivator. Sift it all into a bowl.

3. Add sugar and milk, break the eggs into the dough, throw a pinch of salt and stir together. You can beat with a mixer.

4. Add softened butter, pour in the vegetable oil. Beat for five minutes with a mixer. The dough will become smooth, a little shiny.

5. It is desirable to lay a sheet of parchment on the bottom of the multicooker so that there is no difficulty in pulling out a chocolate cake. Boca just grease.

6. Pour the dough, level the layer. Bake for 50 minutes.

7. Immediately after the signal, we take it out of the multicooker, turn it over and remove the parchment sheet. Cool on a wire rack.

8. Beat the cream butter, add the boiled condensed milk. To prevent lumps from forming, both products must have the same temperature.

9. Grease the cake, cuts the baked loaf into two layers. Done!

The simplest cake recipe in the Zebra crock-pot

A variant of the simplest recipe for a cake in a multicooker, which is very similar to the classic "Zebra". In this case, it does not require much effort and close attention. The dough is cooked with sour cream.


• a glass of sour cream;

• a glass of sugar;

• 2 cups of flour;

• 3 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 3 eggs and soda.

For cream, 350 grams of sour cream and 80 grams of sugar.


1. Beat eggs until foam with sugar, add sour cream and then flour, but not all. About three spoons for now leave aside. We extinguish a teaspoon of soda, send to the dough and mix.

2. Divide the dough in half. It is convenient to use cans or bowls with spouts. Put cocoa in one part, add the left flour to the second.

3. Cover the bottom of the multicooker with a cut out circle of parchment. If the bowl is good, then you can just grease it with oil. Lubricate the side in any version.

4. Form a striped cake. To do this, pour a little chocolate dough into the center, then pour white dough into this cake. Now again pour the brown mass into the center and so on. Get multi-color stains.

5. Bake for 40 minutes, cool.

6. There is time to prepare a cream. Just mix sugar with sour cream, you can season with vanilla.

7. Cut the cake into three cake layers, coat with cream. We decorate in any way, in the classic version, the cake is glazed.

A simple cake in the Carrot multicooker

The simplest recipe for a cake in a slow cooker, which is prepared with raw carrots and nuts. The taste of this delicacy is unforgettable, it is easy to prepare, the products are more affordable, any cream can be made. What else is needed?


• a glass of sugar;

• 3 tablespoons of honey;

• 3 eggs;

• 7 grams of cultivator;

• 500 grams of carrots;

• 0.3 cups of nuts per dough + for decoration;

• 2 cups of flour;

• 1 pack of oil;

• a glass of sour cream;

• a little powder.


1. Peel the carrots, rub finely, leave aside.

2. We take the softened butter and immediately combine it with sugar sand, beat it for a couple of minutes and alternately toss one egg at a time.

3. We introduce honey, you can melt it before, if the mass is very steep.

4. Add the cultivator with flour, pour chopped nuts, stir well.

5. Lastly, add flour, knead the dough.

6. We shift to the slow cooker, bake for an hour. Then we leave not yet half an hour in the slow cooker.

7. Take out, cool. Cut into thin layers, any amount.

8. Beat sour cream and powder. We make the amount of sugar to taste. The cakes themselves are sweet enough.

9. Lubricate the cake, decorate with nuts or any other products. You can not cover the top with cream and pour melted chocolate.

The simplest recipe for cake in the multicooker "Mulatto"

Another version of a simple cake in a slow cooker made from chocolate cakes. To lubricate the cake you need any jam. You can add cherries or currants to the dough to taste, but a little, 100 grams is enough.


• flour 0.25 kg;

• 60 grams of cocoa;

• three eggs;

• 120 grams of margarine;

• 0.27 kg of sugar;

• 0.27 kg of milk;

• 1 tsp soda;

• vinegar for extinction;

• 0.1 kg of berries, jam or jam.


1. Break eggs into a bowl or bowl for a mixer.

2. Immediately add sugar and milk to them, whisk for a couple of minutes.

3. Add the melted margarine, stir.

4. Pour flour. It can be immediately mixed with cocoa and sieved so that there are no lumps.

5. We throw slaked soda. Can be replaced with a cultivator.

6. Stir the dough well, add a few berries if desired. Especially go well with chocolate cakes of cherry.

7. We shift the brown dough into a slow cooker.

8. Close, bake the hour.

9. Cool well, preferably on a wire rack, so that the bottom is not damp.

10. Cut in half, spread with jam or jam. You can use any cream, it turns out deliciously with chocolate paste.

Simple cake in the "Air" multicooker

Another simple cake recipe in a multicooker. But it can also be easily baked in the oven. Cream is used by anyone. You can grease the cake with condensed milk, chocolate paste, any jam.


• 0.11 kg of flour;

• 0.15 kg of oil;

• 10 grams of cultivator;

• 25 grams of cocoa;

• 1 cup of sugar;

• four eggs.


1. Melt the butter and cool, it should not be hot.

2. Beat the recipe eggs with sugar.

3. Add a thin stream of oil, stir in a few movements. Long and many do not need.

4. Mix the flour with cocoa powder and a cultivator. You can not put cocoa and make white cake.

5. Send the bulk mixture into the eggs, stir.

6. We shift the resulting dough into a slow cooker, close.

7. We bake an hour. We check for readiness with a dry stick.

8. For lubrication we use any cream, you can just sprinkle the top with powder.

A simple cake in a slow cooker - useful tips and tricks

• If you need softened butter for the dough or cream, you can wrap it in a towel and put it on a warm battery. Alternatively, use the Defrost program in the microwave.

• Cake stuck to the crock-pot and doesn’t want to pop out? Put it in a bowl of cold water, baking will lag behind the walls.

• To prevent the cake from sticking, you need to cover the bottom of the container with a piece of oiled parchment or plain paper, just remember to grease it.
