Fish salad - the best recipes. How to cook fish salad properly and tasty.


Fish salad - This is a very tasty and healthy dish. Depending on the type of fish used in it, the composition of the remaining components and, in particular, the dressing sauce, its taste can be completely different: spicy, spicy or, conversely, dietary and soft. The calorie content of a dish also greatly depends on which fish is one of the ingredients, for example, salmon will make it very satisfying, and cod light. Fish contains substances that are very valuable to the human body, such as easily digestible protein, unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins A and D, vitamin B, phosphorus, etc.

Fish salad - preparing dishes

The size and material of the container, which will be required for the preparation of fish salad, depends on whether it will be served: lay out in layers or mix. In the first case, the salad will look good in a sufficiently tall glass dish so that all its layers are visible through the walls. Lettuce is laid out in this dish immediately after slicing, each layer is poured with sauce or dressing. If the salad should be mixed before serving, then for its preparation it is better to take one “front” container and one ordinary, for example, a large glass or enameled bowl. In this case, the ingredients are folded into a second container after slicing, seasoned with sauce, mixed, and then gently laid out in the dishes that will be served on the table. The average serving of salad is 150-250 grams.

Fish salad - preparation of products

Almost any kind of fish can be used to make fish salad, depending on the recipe. It can be boiled, steamed, smoked or salted. Some national cuisines, for example, Japanese, have salad recipes even with raw fish, but use these recipes with caution, since they involve the use of freshly caught sea fish, which only residents of the coastal regions can afford. Before preparing the salad, you need to cut the fish, remove bones, skin, etc., so that only the fillet is in the salad.

Fish salad - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Rhine Herring Salad with Meat

The ingredients and method of preparation of this salad can at first glance cause surprise and even bewilderment, but its taste is very pleasant. Due to the presence of meat and fish, the dish turns out to be satisfying, while the apple and cucumber add piquancy and freshness. The best addition to the salad is a fresh crispy baguette.

Salad ingredients (per 4 servings):

250 g boiled potatoes
100 g salted herring
250 g boiled beef
1 medium boiled beets
2 sour apples
3 pickles
60 g walnuts
2 boiled eggs
250 g milk

Sauce Ingredients:

150 g sour cream
100 g mayonnaise
2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar
salt, pepper, parsley

Cooking method

Rinse herring fillet with cold water, put in a bowl, pour milk and leave for half an hour. Cut beets, beef, cucumbers into small cubes. Peel the apple, cut into thin slices. Grind the nuts, leaving pieces 5-6 intact for decoration. Next, you need to remove the herring, pat it with a paper towel, cut into strips. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes a little larger than other vegetables and meat. Then prepare the dressing by mixing in a separate container sour cream, mayonnaise, vinegar, salt and pepper (to taste). Put all the ingredients in a bowl, pour the sauce, mix gently, put in the refrigerator for 2 hours. After that, take out the dish, let it stand at room temperature for half an hour, decorate with parsley leaves, walnuts and a boiled egg, sliced ​​into slices.

Recipe 2: Salmon Salad with Frieze

This is an extremely light and appetizing salad that is perfect even for those who follow a strict diet. It is prepared using fish broth, so it makes sense to cook this salad with fish soup, taking some broth from it.

Salad ingredients (per 4 servings):

400 g salmon filet
200 ml of fish stock
100 ml dry white wine
1 lemon
1/2 head of salad Frieze
100 g watercress
1 salad onion

Sauce Ingredients:

150 g sour cream
1 tbsp. spoon of mayonnaise
1 tbsp. mustard spoon
salt pepper

Cooking method

Thoroughly clean the salmon from the bones, cut into cubes about 3X3 cm. Wash the lemon, cut 4 slices. Pour the broth, wine into the pan and put lemon, salt and pepper (to taste). Boil. Put salmon in a pan, cook for 4-5 minutes, then remove and cool. Salad leaves, wash, dry on a towel, tear with your hands and put in a salad bowl. Put salmon slices on top. Cut the onion into thin slices, sprinkle them with fish. Mix sour cream, mayonnaise, mustard, salt and pepper in a separate container, pour salad dressing and serve immediately.

Recipe 3: Spicy Tuna Salad

This salad is suitable for lovers of spicy dishes, it is prepared in just half an hour, so it can help out if unexpected guests arrive. For it, canned tuna is used in its own juice, so you don’t have to bother with cooking fish.

Salad ingredients (per 4 servings):

350 g canned tuna in its own juice
2 hard boiled eggs
2 red sweet peppers
50 g paprika stuffed green olives
1 medium onion
1 head of lettuce

Sauce Ingredients:

4 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil
3 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar (better from sherry)
1 clove of garlic
freshly ground black pepper
oregano, thyme and parsley (3-4 sprigs each)

Cooking method

Rinse the pepper, peel the core and seeds, cut into cubes. Peel the eggs, also cut into cubes. Cut olives in circles. Peel and cut the onion into the thinnest slices, rinse the lettuce thoroughly, dry it on a towel, and tear it with your hands. Put the salad on the dish, then onion, then pepper and olives. From the jar of tuna, drain the juice, clean the fish from the bones and mash with a fork. Next, put the tuna on the dish and cook the dressing. To do this, crush a clove of garlic, put it in a small cup, add vinegar, oil, salt and pepper. Finely chop the greens, add to the sauce, mix. Pour dressing on the salad, decorate it with slices of boiled eggs and serve.

Recipe 4: Mimosa Salad

This salad in popularity may well compete with the famous "Olivier". There are so many variations of recipes for this dish that it’s enough for a whole book. In “Mimosa” they put butter, rice, and potatoes, but still the most classic recipe is eggs, fish, cheese and onions.

Salad ingredients (per 6-8 servings):

6 pcs of eggs
1 can of canned fish (saury, pink salmon, salmon)
150 grams of hard cheese
3 medium onions
greens for decoration

Sauce Ingredients:

mayonnaise about 200 grams (the exact amount depends on taste preferences)

Cooking method

Hard-boiled eggs (cook no more than 7-10 minutes, otherwise the yolks will cover with a bluish coating). Then cool them in cold water, clean. Separate the yolks from the proteins. Cut the proteins into small cubes, mash the yolks with a fork. Cover the containers with chopped products. Peel the onion, finely chop (if the onion is very bitter, then you can pour boiling water over it). Grate the cheese. Remove the fish from the can, remove the bones and drain the juice, knead the pulp with a fork. After that, take a salad bowl in which the dish will be served on the table (you can take a wide and low dish, or, conversely, a high transparent container through which the layers of salad will be clearly visible through the walls). Put cheese on the bottom of the salad bowl, grease the surface with mayonnaise. Then put 1/2 of the fish, then 1/2 of the protein, which also needs to be greased with mayonnaise. Next lay onion, then the remaining fish, squirrels on top of it, grease with mayonnaise. Sprinkle the salad top with yolk, put in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours (preferably 3-4). Garnish with greens before serving.

Fish salad - useful tips from experienced chefs

1. If the salad uses fried fish of fatty varieties (herring, salmon, mackerel), then fry it in a minimum amount of oil.

2. The main thing in cooking fish is not to overexpose it. This applies to cooking, and frying, and to steam or grill. The readiness of the fish is evidenced by juicy pulp, which is easily separated from the bones.


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