Treat your relatives: rice or cottage cheese casserole with strawberries. Light and sweet desserts - homemade casseroles with strawberries


You dream all winter about strawberries, but there will be a red berry on the shelves and be at a loss - what to cook?

And try the casserole!

Tender, almost like a souffle - from cottage cheese, or dense, crumbly based on rice. You don’t even know which one is better, but you know for sure who will not leave crumbs on a plate. You can please the little sweet ones in the winter, if you stock up on canned strawberries on time.

Strawberry casseroles - general cooking principles

• For the preparation of cottage cheese casseroles with strawberries, it is recommended to take fresh or not long stored cottage cheese in the refrigerator. The percentage of fat in the product does not matter much, it only affects the calorie content of the dish. Regardless of the granular curd or not, it must be rubbed on a sieve. This makes the casseroles airy and tender.

• For rice casseroles with strawberries, round grain rice would be most suitable. It must be sorted out and washed to clean water. Then dried rice cereal is boiled in milk, water or berry (strawberry) syrup.

• Sugar, eggs and butter are added to the curd or rice mixture without fail. You may also need to introduce semolina or flour.

• Often rice mass is mixed with cottage cheese, thereby obtaining mixed "cottage cheese-rice" casseroles. Flavor the dish by adding ground cinnamon or vanilla in the form of powder or vanilla sugar.

• In the cake, the strawberries are layered with the main (curd, rice or mixed) mass, interfere with it or spread on the surface. The berries are cut into slices or slices of the recommended size or ground together with granulated sugar and boiled the sauce. Strawberries can be either fresh or canned in their own juice. Fresh can be replaced with well-thawed frozen.

• The dish is baked in the oven or slow cooker. The temperature and cooking time are always indicated in the recipe.

Strawberry Air Curd Casserole


• fat home-made cottage cheese - 600 gr .;

• three eggs;

• 40 gr. butter homemade butter;

• two large spoons of dry semolina;

• 0.5 tsp vanilla sugar;

• one and a half glasses of refined sugar;

• fresh or frozen strawberries - 300 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully grind homemade cottage cheese on a rare metal sieve.

2. Separately, beat the eggs with sugar and a small pinch of salt. Pour the mixture into a bowl of cottage cheese. Add vanilla, semolina and stir everything with a spoon or whisk at minimum speed with a mixer.

3. Take any baking dish. Thick-walled or non-stick coating is best. Lubricate it from the inside on the walls and the bottom with butter and put half of the prepared mass.

4. Washed, well-dried strawberries, cut lengthwise into two halves and lay them on the curd layer with the slice down.

5. On top of the strawberries, lay out the rest of the cottage cheese and smooth the surface with a spoon.

6. Place the cottage cheese casserole with strawberries in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. Cook at this temperature for 40 minutes.

7. Immediately upon completion, take it out, cool it right in the mold and only after that carefully place it out of it.

Cottage cheese casserole with strawberries


• two large spoons of high-quality baking flour;

• one chicken egg;

• granulated sugar - 60 grams;

• half a small bag of vanilla powder;

• seven berries of fresh strawberries;

• icing sugar;

• 1/3 tablespoon of small evaporated salt;

• a spoonful of butter or margarine;

• 300 gr. cottage cheese (fatty).

Cooking method:

1. Mix sugar with vanilla and salt. Break the chicken egg into the mixture and beat with a whisk until a foamy head forms.

2. Separately, well crush the cottage cheese with a fork or pusher and transfer it to the egg mixture.

3. Pour in flour and mix thoroughly.

4. Grease a small mold. Put the cooked mass in it and evenly distribute it throughout the form.

5. Cut clean dry strawberries into large slices and spread over the entire surface of the curd mass.

6. For half an hour, put the form on the average level of the oven preheated to a temperature of 200 degrees.

7. Then remove, cool slightly and sprinkle with powdered sugar evenly.

Gentle curd casserole with strawberries


• 400 gr. greasy, not containing grains, cottage cheese;

• two tablespoons of ripper for the test;

• butter "Peasant" butter - 40 gr .;

• two and a half tablespoons of sugar;

• three large spoons of semolina;

• 300 gr. ripe medium-sized strawberries (you can use frozen);

• 50 gr. milk chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. Combine the cottage cheese with granulated sugar, pour in the eggs and beat everything into a homogeneous mass with a blender.

2. Add two tablespoons of dry semolina, stir and leave for 40 minutes. During this time, the cereal will swell well and the casserole will not be stiff.

3. Cut the washed berries into thin slices and transfer to the curd. Pour the cultivator and mix gently with a spoon or spatula.

4. Well cover the bottom and sides of the small frypot with a slightly softened margarine and sprinkle liberally with semolina. Then flip upside down and shake off excess semolina.

5. Put the curd mass mixed with strawberries in the roasting pan and smooth the surface with a wet spoon.

6. On top, spread the butter cut into medium-sized cubes and bake at 180 degrees for about an hour.

7. Put the finished tender casserole out of the mold and decorate with the remaining, sliced ​​strawberries. Grate milk chocolate over the berries on a coarse grater.

Two-layer curd casserole with strawberries


• low-fat 4% cottage cheese - 400 gr.;

• 50 gr. a slice of natural butter (72% fat);

• 100 gr. sugar

• three fresh eggs;

• 300 gr. frozen small strawberries;

• two tablespoons of semolina;

• 1.2 tablespoons of cinnamon powder;

• starch to seal the filling - 2 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

1. Grind the cottage cheese with a meat grinder with the thinnest grate, or better, grind it on a sieve.

2. Pour half the granulated sugar, add ground cinnamon, mix.

3. Pour the eggs into the foam, pour the semolina. Stir again and wait a quarter of an hour for the croup to swell.

4. Melt the butter slowly in the microwave in the “lightest” mode, cool and pour into a bowl of mixed ingredients.

5. Cover the sides and the bottom of a small square shape with baking paper and transfer the prepared curd mixture to it. Carefully level the surface and put in the oven for 20 minutes, at 180 degrees.

6. Thaw the berries in a colander thoroughly with a blender and mix with the remaining sugar. Add starch diluted in 30 ml of chilled water, stir and put on a small fire. As soon as the berry mixture thickens, remove the container from the heat.

7. Remove the semi-finished casserole from the oven and pour on top of the strawberry mass. Flatten and put the mold back into the oven for another quarter hour.

8. Cool the cooked casserole well without removing from the mold. Then cut into portions of the desired size and serve.

Rice casserole with strawberries and nuts


• one glass of round-grain rice;

• 300 ml of fat milk;

• 200 ml of fat, light cream;

• raw eggs - 2 pcs.;

• a pound of fresh strawberries;

• a quarter cup of chopped nuts;

• vanilla sugar - a small standard bag;

• white sugar - 2 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the rice cereal with cold water. Express the remaining fluid well and fill with milk. Add sugar and vanilla, salt to your taste, and put on a very light fire. After the milk boils, lower the heat and boil the rice until cooked. You get viscous rice porridge that needs to be cooled.

2. Separate the yolks with proteins and beat well with 170 ml of cream. Whisk the whites with the remaining cream separately.

3. Cut berries into centimeter slices.

4. In a chilled slightly warm porridge, add slices of strawberries and, gently mixing, enter whipped cream with yolks.

5. Line the sides and bottom of the mold with oiled baking paper and transfer the rice mixture into it.

6. Smooth the surface, pour the whipped cream whipped with cream and gently stretch the mixture with the culinary brush over the entire surface.

7. Sprinkle generously with chopped nuts and bake for 40 minutes. The temperature is 200 degrees.

Cottage cheese and rice casserole with strawberries and pineapples (canned)


• 600 gr. low-calorie cottage cheese;

• 3 large spoons of dry semolina;

• five tablespoons of fat-free kefir;

• three eggs, fresh;

• half a glass of rice cereal;

• 15 gr. vanilla sugar;

• baking soda - 1/2 tsp;

• a liter can of strawberries canned in its own juice;

• 250 gr. pieces of canned pineapple.

Cooking method:

1. Put the strawberries on a sieve and dry the berries well. Do the same with pineapple.

2. Mix semolina well in kefir and let the mixture stand for 20 minutes. Sprinkle soda on top, gently mix the mixture with a spoon, trying to distribute the soda evenly, leave for another quarter hour.

3. Pour into the cooking bowl, washed to the absence of powdery water, rice. Pour it with two glasses of strawberry syrup, expressed from a can. If it is not enough, add pineapple. Boil until cooked in the "Rice" mode and put on a colander.

4. Beat eggs with a whisk or mixer until you get foam.

5. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork and transfer to the kefir mass. While stirring with a spoon, gradually beat the beaten eggs into the mixture.

6. Put a third of the resulting mixture in a separate bowl, and add the pieces of pineapple, vanilla sugar and strawberries to the rest. Small berries can be added whole, cut into larger slices. Shuffle.

7. Lubricate the bottom and side walls of the bowl with a thick layer of softened butter and move the cottage cheese into it without pineapples and strawberries.

8. On top, spread the boiled rice in syrup, and on top of it is a curd-fruit mixture.

9. Close the slow cooker, select the operation “Baking” and cook the casserole for 50 minutes.

Strawberry Casseroles - Cooking Tips & Tips

• If the curd is not grated, the casserole will not turn out airy and homogeneous. Grains of cottage cheese may come into it.

• If you do not want to spend time grinding, beat the curd with a mixer or twist through a rare sieve of a meat grinder.

• Fresh berries can be replaced with frozen or canned ones in their own juice. Frozen strawberries must be thawed in advance on a sieve. With canned syrup carefully decanted. Thawed and laid out from the syrup berries are thoroughly dried from excess fluid on a sieve or colander.


Watch the video: Dessert: Strawberry Pretzel Salad Recipe - Natasha's Kitchen (June 2024).