Fragrant peaches: health benefits and possible harm to the fruit. What are the benefits of peaches for adults and children?


Velvety peel and delicious honey aroma - such is a ripe ruddy peach.

This fruit is associated with female beauty, youth, innocent freshness.

Fragrant peaches: composition and calorie content

The benefits of peaches are due to their rich composition. The fruit contains a lot of nutrients:

• ascorbic acid (vitamin C);

• retinol (vitamin A), a powerful antioxidant;

• tocopherol (vitamin E), especially necessary during pregnancy;

• mysterious vitamin K, regulating blood coagulation;

• nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), an essential element of redox processes;

• trace elements: magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, copper, iron, etc .;

• organic acids;

• essential oils;

• fiber;

• pectin.

Even in one fruit there is so much benefit that with regular consumption the body will not experience stress or lack of energy.

How many calories are in peach? Very few. Despite the sweet juice, in 100 g of peach pulp only 45 kcal. So two or three fruits (namely, so much is recommended for safe daily use) will not cause any harm to the figure.

Useful properties of peaches

Velvety fruits have a beneficial and even healing effect on the human body. What are the benefits of peaches? First of all, with its ability to saturate the body with natural vitamins, which means to combat early aging, lethargy, chronic fatigue. To feel a pronounced general strengthening effect, it is enough to drink 50 ml of freshly squeezed natural juice daily or eat two ripe fruits.

The beneficial properties of peach are not limited to this. Fruits help us fight a number of unpleasant symptoms and ailments. The benefits of peach are manifested in the following:

• the work of the gastrointestinal tract improves;

• metabolism is accelerated;

• the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins;

• cholesterol normalizes, which is the prevention of atherosclerosis;

• the cardiac, nervous, immune system is strengthened;

• the state of the vessels improves, the state of the vessels of the brain normalizes;

• memory increases, brain function is activated, energy appears.

With iron deficiency anemia, peaches help make up for iron deficiencies, while depression improves mood, and weakens with constipation. Due to the huge amount of antioxidant substances, you can slow down the aging of the body by including juicy pulp in your diet, and actually improve the condition of the skin.

There is evidence that peaches are able to prevent the development of cancerous tumors. They perfectly satisfy thirst and hunger, are easily and quickly digested, facilitating the work of the liver in the processing of fats.

Peaches retain their qualities in dried and canned form. So, canned fruits stop vomiting, contribute to better absorption of fatty, heavy foods, improve the secretion of gastric juice and digestion in general. The dried fruit has a similar effect on the body.

The healing properties of peaches

Sweet fruits are able to provide not only preventive, but also healing effects on the body. Useful properties of peach are manifested in the presence of the following ailments:

• arrhythmia;

• reduced acidity of the stomach;

• weakening of the heart muscle;

• decrease in visual acuity;

• persistent colds and chronic inflammatory diseases;

• infection with intestinal parasites;

• oncological processes;

• chronic kidney disease;

• gout and rheumatism.

If the delicate skin is burned by the sun, you can apply mashed fresh peach to the burn. Home masks based on this component have a cleansing, nourishing, firming effect on aging skin. With the help of peach, you can even whiten the age spots that often appear during pregnancy.

By the way not an idle question of how many calories are in peach, for those who want to lose some weight. The fact is that this is one of the few sweet fruits with a negative calorie content. This means that the body spends more calories on digesting peaches than it receives from them.

For men, the benefits of peaches are their ability to alleviate the condition in case of problems with the urinary system. If the kidneys are diseased, peaches will help remove salts from the body. If the prostate is inflamed, the fruits will help in healing, and also enhance potency. Regular consumption of fresh peaches contributes to the normalization of male hormonal levels.

In folk medicine, not only the fruit is actively used, but also flowers, peach leaves. Decoctions and compresses can be treated, for example, migraine, rheumatism, headache, furunculosis, eczema, psoriasis, herpes. Tea with a peach leaf brings down the temperature, promotes liquefaction and evacuation of sputum from the bronchi, has a general anti-inflammatory effect.

Benefits for pregnant women and children

An amazing feature of peach fruits to ease the condition of women in the early stages of pregnancy has long been used by experienced gynecologists. The fact is that due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition and gentle mild taste, peach helps to cope with nausea with toxicosis. It is enough to eat only one fruit to feel relief.

Expectant mothers are often nervous, and the high magnesium content in peach helps calm the nervous system. Stress gradually disappears, and the general condition of a woman improves significantly.

Due to the large amount of potassium, peaches help to cope with a common problem of pregnant women: edema. Potassium removes water from the body, which means it reduces puffiness and the risk of premature labor.

Calcium helps to avoid catastrophic loss of calcium for a future mother. If you do not make up for the deficiency of this trace element in a timely manner, the condition of the teeth and bones will deteriorate significantly. Peach has a lot of calcium, which means that it needs to be eaten throughout the entire period of gestation.

Useful for the bones of mom and baby phosphorus contained in peach flesh. And folic acid is indispensable for the proper formation of the infant's nervous system and for the normal course of pregnancy.

If a pregnant woman has constipation, it is enough to drink a quarter cup of squeezed juice before eating. This will help to gently stimulate the intestines.

In late pregnancy, women often experience heartburn. In this trouble, the peach also copes.

As for children, you can introduce them to the fruit from ten months. What are the benefits of peaches for children? Fruits increase appetite, help cope with growing physical activity. If the child is often sick, born prematurely, weakened, his immune system develops sluggishly and malfunctions, you must include peaches in the baby’s diet. By the way, this advice is also relevant for people weakened by the disease, especially in old age.

Important, that in the period of acute inflammation, the use of fruits is undesirable: the harm of peaches in this case may be greater than their potential benefits. First you need to stop, relieve inflammation, to achieve improvement.

Peach Harm

Tasty juicy fruits can be not only unprofitable, but also unsafe for health. The harm of peaches has been proven in the following cases:

• dyspepsia (difficult digestion, accompanied by pain, heaviness and discomfort in the stomach);

• increased acidity of the stomach (peaches will increase acidity even more, which can provoke a negative reaction of the body);

• diabetes mellitus (there are a lot of carbohydrates and sugars in the fruits);

• thyroid disease;

• various liver diseases;

• obesity;

• tendency to allergic reactions to pollen of plants.

Despite the pleasant taste, it is impossible to overeat with peaches. Any excess leads to a violent reaction of the body, up to a serious digestive upset.

Eaten at night, peaches can provoke insomnia, because they are exciting, stimulate the activity of the brain and nervous system. Therefore, it is better to enjoy fruit in the morning. It is not recommended to have a mid-afternoon meal or have dinner with peaches, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep.

Extreme care should be taken when treating diabetics and people with food allergies. Peaches can be consumed only after consulting a doctor.

A healthy person without harm to health can eat a pound of sweet fruit a day. A larger amount can cause an eating disorder, so do not exceed the allowable amount.


Watch the video: Deer Rub Damage to Peach Trees, Permaculture Principles, Xylem, Phloem (July 2024).